a normal admin script

Hello again...
Well then I used WIKI to make a new SIMPLE admin script...but there's something wrong with the code...
Can someone help me with this ?

--->>> A normal Admin Script <<<---

Here's the code, (the link above) but it doesn't work, do you know what's wrong with it ? It doesn't save anything into a file, when I type /makeadmin it just sends me "you're not lead admin" over and over again, I tried a lot of ways of fixing it but I failed all the way... I'm really tired of this now so I'm asking you guys for help, I used this code as it's simple and easy to modify, I don't want to use other Admin Scripts as I want to make my own...
If this code is totally useless, can you send me a link to some tutorial or something to make something similar to the one above... I also tried a tutorail how to create an Account System made by Seif_ but I can't make pAdmin thing over there, so If you can help me with the code above (normal admin script from wiki) it'd be great...Thanks


You need to be logged into RCON.

/rcon login yourrconpass

Originally Posted by //exora
You need to be logged into RCON.

/rcon login yourrconpass
OK but how do I know what level is the highest one ? I type /makeadmin id level but it keeps telling me "/makeadmin playerid level" over and over again...how do I know what level is the highest one ?

EDIT : or how do I set the highest level admin, I want the highest level to be level 10 or something how do I do that ?

available commands: /rcon cmdlist

For in game admins you need an admin system.
For that you must set admin level for each player into his stats save file. Then OnPlyerLogin, load player's admin leve into a variable, then at every command check whatever that player has your desired level

it will be like.

In player's file


After validation of passoword, read all the data from he's file, and put what coresponds to AdminLevel it into Playerinfo[playerid][pAdminLevel]

Then before any admin command

if(Playerinfo[playerid][pAdminLevel] < 1337) return SenClientMessage(.....); // here you restrict that person with an message if he doesn't meet the required level.

Hope this helped.

Originally Posted by Sma_X

sorry, delete this
There's no such a command like /setlevel etc...
I want to set the highest level admin to 10 or something don't know how to do it using this normal admin script.
Or I'd like to know what IS the highest level admin in that script, as I can't use and I'd really love to use it
Please help, thanks...


I messed up a bit with the script and now when I type /makeadmin 0 10 (yes im logged in RCON) it sends me the message " Server Unknown Command " and nothing happens at all...
Why is that ? please help, thanks !

anyone ? please help me guys...I really need to get it fixed as I can't work on my gamemode (( please...

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