29.11.2009, 15:22
3 Trailer Interiors ([iurl=#]Website[Coming Soon][/iurl])
The DETAILS of this filterscript
Well i was bored one day, and as you can see me and my old team was creating a kind off Police & Prisoners RP, but that team slowly faided, and during my time their i had to make an interior for a trailer, so i thought what the heck, thats something no-one will release, so i decided to re-make it & here it is.Credits:
Scripting: ♣ ©ⓤⓝⓔⓞ ♣
Mappnig: ♣ ©ⓤⓝⓔⓞ ♣
Bug finding: [NYC]
Known Bugs:
1) all 3 interiors are at the same place so unfortunatly you can only load 1 at a time

--=[Army Version]=--
/gototruck1 - TP's u to the Trailer
--=[Tramp Version]=--
/gototruck2 - TP's u to the Trailer
--=[Misc Version]=--
/gototruck3 - TP's u to the Trailer
Screenshots of the 3 Trailer Interiors
ScreenshotsArmy Trailer:

Tramp Trailer:

Other Trailer:

Army Truck
Tramp Truck
Misc Truck
Credits to Me, ♣ ©ⓤⓝⓔⓞ ♣ [/center]