please help port forwarding..

i need a tutorial .plz or ..if exist allready a tutorial with this site can somewone show me where i can find?? because i really need a tuto with this site .and i don't want to ruin my Internet Connection just for makeing a mistake in PortForward so please somewone i will apreciate much if somewone could help me here


try this:

ok but that tutorial is for Static ip's?

uhm once you have opened up a port like 7777 it dont matter what your ip is as tht port remains open

for example say your ip is this one day 987.43.434:7777
and 675.65.566:7777

aslong as you got 7777 in your server.cfg that will remain the port open and so anyone can connect to it even if your ip changes

hope that made sence if it did not I am sorry!

If you have an IP that changes, use

Download their client and get a domain, so whenever your IP changes your people wont know

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