linux prob

can't get the server to start this is what i have in the startup config

# Needed to make symlinks/shortcuts work.
# the binaries must run with correct working directory
screen -d -m ./samp03svr

and it doesn't start up or nothing and i can't find out why it has permissions to exec and everything

Originally Posted by pepper
can't get the server to start this is what i have in the startup config

# Needed to make symlinks/shortcuts work.
# the binaries must run with correct working directory
screen -d -m ./samp03svr

and it doesn't start up or nothing and i can't find out why it has permissions to exec and everything
you try with screen -d -m ./samp03svr ?

screen -d -m ./samp03svr

is what supposed to start the server up

works fine when i do screen -d -m ./samp02Xsvr.x86
it just won't start samp3

don't if this helps but the os the server uses is CentOS Linux 5

OK i got it started but now it keeps restarting

Originally Posted by The_Real_Blueberry
i can get it working but i just need to connect to your pc to do so
Or you don't...?

Right, what startup config?

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