Originally Posted by KevTheJoker
I appreciate your criticism but answer this question.
What are the names of the Public Bots which have the similar, exact features as the CJ Bot?
Seriously? Are you kidding me rn? There are Mappers who wish to upload their images to imgur, and there are developers who wish to save their small codes. It caters for persons who have poor net as well. Instead of having to visit the websites, you can simply use the commands -code and -imgur.
I'll be releasing it after I'm done neatening it a bit. As of now, the most important thing is having the presence of the bot.
There are literally two (-imgur and -code) commands which do not relate to SAMP, so I don't see the big deal in commenting about them being unnecessary.

Okay, uh, well... I don't want to advertise other discord bots, especially that if you look for it you will already find it. But basically you can find many similar bots here
If you want me to be specific, here's an example bot
Not only that, but it supports way too many games too, here's a complete list of what this bot provides
I think you can find the bot's source code here:
I can tell you that I saw similar bots released on GitHub, people can already learn from them. So not only hosted bots are available but the source of such bots do exist already. My point is that you're not adding something new of a kind, or something unachievable, so what makes it special is you helping others, not just hosting the bot for others to invite.
What does your bot add to the table if it's pretty simple and you're not letting others learn from what you did either, while others did far advanced bots and managed to support a larger scare of games, yet didn't keep code closed?
Your bot isn't customizable, isn't 'special' and you are not letting others contribute to your current base, and this basically isn't a competition already because you can do the same stuff using a simple PHP script and by learning the query mechanism of SA-MP. Not to mention that there are already available websites like SACNR Monitor, with which you can pretty much display all the servers and not just one, and you can use their API to query your server for example.
So what I'm saying is, idea isn't even special either! I'm not trying to let you down but you need to understand that you can't make 'premium' bots out of nowhere and start limiting features for donors if you didn't manage to create a strong base yourself. No graphs, no special monitoring features, and basically almost nothing because something like that isn't even necessary if you could open your SA-MP client and ping the server yourself.
Also, don't support your argument with bad examples, how would people access discord if their internet connection can't run pastebin or imgur? I'm not the one who is joking here, basically someone who could run discord and will play an online game will not have problems to run pastebin, and you could use the built in markdown for code on discord instead of using pastebin itself, not to mention there are other alternatives to pastebin so forcing your preferences on server owners who plan to use your bot is a bad idea. And for imgur, you can simply upload the image to discord and you get an attachment URL to share image, see how actually the idea of implementing such features were useless but you convinced yourself that it's right to implement them?
If adding useless features to your bot instead of focusing on primary features and accurate server monitoring, graphing and having a website and ability to customize the bot, and less commands for interacting with the bot itself, it will be more useful, not even much but at least it will fit for the purpose it was created for. 'Presence' of one bot between thousands doesn't make it special, if it didn't manage to be special in the first place, so you shouldn't rest on that.
You mentioned that:
Working on the -promote command so you can have your SAMP server promoted and sponsored in our discord server, as soon as we hit 1000 members and 100 bot invites!
Why do you want to add this to your to-do list if you didn't finish the basics of the bot? I get that you have some goals but that shouldn't be a feature at all. You can make a fair list of servers you monitor if server owners desire, not make a promote feature that will eventually cost money and that's not how it should work, you're not helping others as you mentioned in your other topic that you referred to this one in.
Getting the CJ Premium bot up and running with lots of other commands, esp. echoes from SAMP servers, such as player connects, disconnects, spawns, deaths, vehicles destruction, etc.
Do you want to make all the upcoming features limited for your premium edition? No one's going to use that, no offence. Someone who knows how to use the discord connector plugin by maddinat0r can do the same without needing your bot, but maddinat0r made it for FREE not for money, don't be mean, fellow member.
I find it worth to mention his work here, at least people can understand what I'm saying.
That's most of what I wanted to say, I guess.
This is your other thread:
You said:
Like the title of the thread says, have you wanted a Discord Bot for your SAMP server, but it was too costy or you had little knowledge in building one?
So, you want people who can't run a simple discord bot and have a little knowledge use your bot then you provide a premium bot which will have exclusive features and keep them with lesser features that are basically close to none, and you're not even increasing their 'knowledge' because your source is closed?
Wake up people.