Activate NOS

There is a command in my server that adds NOS to the current player's vehicle. is it possible to, after giving the vehicle NOS, activate it? Like simulating the fire key pressed.

This might sound weird because all the player has to do to active the NOS is press the fire key but what the command really does is this:

1- adds NOS.
2- gives a super-insane speed boost to the vehicle.

It would look really awesome if when the speed boost is given you could see the NOS animation (that blue flame coming out from the muffle). so:
3- activate NOS.

but point 3 I have no idea how to do it. Any ideas?

PS: is it possible to show that speed blur? oh and it's for a 0.3 server.

So from my point of view you want a NOS command that :

Adds NOS to the vehicle.

Shows the Blue flames coming out of it,

and have speed blur?

erm, one solution, Go to the script request thread, or look at other examples of /nos commands because im sure some have it.

All the the NOS commands I find are to add NOS to a vehicle and that I already have.

yes, like you said, "Show the blue flames coming out of it" like if the player after entering the command would imediatly press the fire key.

Ok, the blur effect isn't possible at all since it's disable but what about the activing the nitro? like a function SetPlayerKeys? Or forgeting the NOS all together and just have the NOS animation? It's possible to do a car animation?

i thinks so

LOL Nos Effect isn't an animation...


Originally Posted by mavtias
LOL Nos Effect isn't an animation...

I'm already using that. I just want to also have the blue flames effect (the NOS) when the speed boost is given.

I don't think that is possible.

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