13.09.2009, 04:58
Последний раз редактировалось mmrk; 15.01.2017 в 14:45.

- login
- register
- stats
- kick (playerid) (reason)
- ban (playerid) (reason)
- flip
- spawn (carname)
- setarmor (playerid) (amount) max 200
- sethealth (playerid) (amount) max 200
- destroycar
- tempadmin
- makeadmin
- fixveh
- tuning Teleports to Transfender/Wheel arcs/Lowrider
- setskin
- weather
- givegun
- gotocar
- unfreeze
- mute
- unmute
- admins
- changepass
- vehslap
- Nos with KEY_SUBMISSION, default key number '2', just press it.
- # = admin chat
- help
- version
- freeze
- countdown
- unban
- money
- explode
- vehcolor
- setname
- serverlock
- serverunlock
- spec
- specoff
Current version: v1.0.3c
Added to v1.0.3b:
- Changed "/ah" to "/help"
- Added "ip" and "name to stats"
- Added "locked" line to userfile saving
Changed "admin chat" to "#"
Added "specate system" command /spec & /specoff
Press crouch to change spectate mode Press lmb to spectate next player Press sprint to spectate previous player. |
//============================================= // mAdmin Includes //================== #include "mAdmin/gm/PlayerH.pwn" #include "mAdmin/gm/CmdH.pwn" Quote:
#include "mAdmin/gm/StateChange.pwn" #include "mAdmin/gm/Vehicle.pwn" //================== // mAdmin Includes //============================================= |
Download & Credits
Creadits to:
- ****** - Whirlpool
- DracoBlue - For dini
- HAMM3R - Spectate code.