Selling/Buying, Maps/Scripts? Is it legal?

Hi, I wouldn't have bothered to post a thread here unless it was important. I just wanted to know if selling/buying maps/scripts is legal on sa-mp forums.. If it is, which section is allotted for it?

Also, if it is allowed, can we put that in our signatures? Like "I'm selling "='XXX Gamemode', text me for the price.." (This is an example and I dont have anything to sell/buy)

I just want to confirm this before I do something stupid here and get banned. Thanks.

Selling/Buying stuff isnt allowed here.

What about maps? Also is it allowed to post the buying/selling ads on your signatures?

A guy who registered in 2013 should know the forum rules

Originally Posted by Y_Less
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Being in your signature doesn't suddenly give you the rights to other people's code.
Yeah but just asking, what about maps? Nobody has right on it except the one who made it right?

@Hunud, Yes I know, I don't come here much even tho I'm playing samp since 2010..

Reading the forum rule won't take a 10 mins or more.

Originally Posted by Team_PRO
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Reading the forum rule won't take a 10 mins or more.
I get it. But, there was nothing about 'maps' in it. That's why I'm insisting on receiving an answer, but nobody seems to respond.

Originally Posted by Sony123
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I get it. But, there was nothing about 'maps' in it. That's why I'm insisting on receiving an answer, but nobody seems to respond.
This thread should be clear enough

No Script Selling - Selling scripts or linking to sites that allow people to sell scripts is not allowed. Scripts contain content developed by other people, most notably the SA-MP team, for which you do not have redistribution rights, making selling derived works illegal. Hiring a scripter to make an entirely new script is different as you are paying for a service not a product. However, the SA-MP forums accept no responsibility for any deals made to that end.

There are no mentions of "maps" in it. Do you guys understand what I'm saying? Or is it that you are not sure whether map selling is illegal here or not, since it isn't mentioned in the forums rules?

IMO, a map is a script since it's spawning in objects?
I'd still say illegal.

You didn\'t create the objects, it\'s not yours.

Then literally everything is illegal.. PAWN was created by someone else, who got it from some other old language..

At least add it in the forum rules next time..

Originally Posted by Sony123
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Then literally everything is illegal.. PAWN was created by someone else, who got it from some other old language..

At least add it in the forum rules next time..
Depends on how they license it.

Originally Posted by Sony123
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Then literally everything is illegal.. PAWN was created by someone else, who got it from some other old language..

At least add it in the forum rules next time..

No Script Selling - Selling scripts or linking to sites that allow people to sell scripts is not allowed. Scripts contain content developed by other people, most notably the SA-MP team, for which you do not have redistribution rights, making selling derived works illegal. Hiring a scripter to make an entirely new script is different as you are paying for a service not a product. However, the SA-MP forums accept no responsibility for any deals made to that end.

A map is a script, CreateObject is created by the sa-mp team, CreateDynamicObject is created by Incognito which also uses CreateObject. RemoveBuildingForPlayer is created by the sa-mp team same as CreateVehicle or AddStaticVehicle or even AddStaticVehicleEx. So whatever you make, you still use stuff provided by the sa-mp team.

The problem here is that the sa-mp team do not want their stuff to be sold, like you made an object, you just set the coordinates and object model but the object itself is created by a function that the sa-mp team made, hence you didn\'t make it all by yourself.

Originally Posted by Y_Less
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No, because it is illegal. Unless you wrote 100% of the code (which you didn\'t because a_samp), you do not have the permission required to sell the script - it isn\'t yours to sell.
So basically, I code a program in C# which has

using System;
and I\'m not allowed to sell it?

Lmao, the logic.

Every piece of software is illegal then.

Originally Posted by Variable™
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A map is a script, CreateObject is created by the sa-mp team, CreateDynamicObject is created by Incognito which also uses CreateObject. RemoveBuildingForPlayer is created by the sa-mp team same as CreateVehicle or AddStaticVehicle or even AddStaticVehicleEx. So whatever you make, you still use stuff provided by the sa-mp team.

The problem here is that the sa-mp team do not want their stuff to be sold, like you made an object, you just set the coordinates and object model but the object itself is created by a function that the sa-mp team made, hence you didn\'t make it all by yourself.
If I wanted to buy a map that was created using the MT@ editor and the file is .map extension (xml), I could not do it because the data will be used in a native function that was created by sa-mp team. This sounds illogical.

You can instead sell your time. So people can pay for you to code for them (each hour some $).

Originally Posted by Y_Less
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Maps are scripts, just ones that use only a subset of available functions.

Anyway, to summarise:

You want to know where; on this free forum; for a free mod; populated by people giving their free time to release free maps, tutorials, includes, help, and more; for others to host free servers; you can release your stuff made on free tools; using knowledge gained for free; for personal profit? Is that a fair summary?
Maybe we don\'t have a profit from all those, but Kalcor does. They why not allowing a selling scripts/maps with own board ?

Sure Y_Less that\'s why there are tons of new epic dynamic roleplay mods using mysql available!

You can offer your scripting service in exchange of money. That\'s totally legal.

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