Making interiors /enter /exit

Hello guys , ive been having some issues while trying to make city hall iinterior

i've tried creating a pickup in front of city hall entrance and that pickup teleports me to cityhall interior but the problem is when i try to go in that pickup i get teleported in blueberry in the sky then i fall and die.

I would appreciate your help !

You could make when you stand in that pickup snd press F but anyway you just need to put that pickup in variable and then make in the OnPlayerPickupPickup a little code which teleports you to that place. If you need me to make cide for you just say but send me pos of entrance and that interior

AddPlayerClass(171,1481.0682,-1772.3105,18.7958,181.6587,0,0,0,0,0,0); // Cityhall entrance

Btw, i will have to remove the normal entering pickup of gta sa so it doesnt bother when i /enter and /exit

the interior i want is

planning dept. id 3 here is the interior website of it

That's simple to do, using IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint and SetPlayerPos in a command.
But you have to disable the one which game has using DisableInteriorEnterExits

Thank you

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