A "const" array argument was intended

When I compile I get these and similar warnings:

Warning 214: possibly a "const" array argument was intended;
Warning 239: literal array/string passed to a non-const parameter.

Warning 214.

stock Dialog_Open(playerid, function[], style, caption[], info[], button1[], button2[], {Float,_}:...)



Warning 239.

Dialog_Show(playerid, DIALOG_LOGIN, DIALOG_STYLE_PASSWORD, "{E17055}Login", "Welcome Back!\n{D63031}You have specified an incorrect password.\n{FFFFFF}Your account is registered. Type your password to login.", "Login", "Exit");

if(strlen(inputtext) < 3) return Dialog_Show(playerid, DIALOG_REGISTER, DIALOG_STYLE_PASSWORD, "{6C5CE7}Register", "Welcome!\n{D63031}Your password must contain at least 3 characters.\n{FFFFFF}Your account is not registered. Type a password to register.", "Register", "Exit");

And so on...
What is the problem? I just updated my pawn compiler and began getting these warnings.

Thank you, I fixed the Warning 214, but still have no idea how to fix Warning 239.

Could someone show me how to fix this line so I would at least have an example?

Dialog_Show(playerid, DIALOG_LOGIN, DIALOG_STYLE_PASSWORD, "{E17055}Login", "Welcome Back!\n{D63031}You have specified an incorrect password.\n{FFFFFF}Your account is registered. Type your password to login.", "Login", "Exit");

Where can I find this exact file?


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