31.01.2019, 16:34
Последний раз редактировалось CraZZyKiLl3R69; 31.01.2019 в 17:51.
Причина: new bool:Minigamer_[MAX_PLAYERS char];
Error: [19:19:48] [debug] Run time error 4: "Array index out of bounds" [19:19:48] [debug] Attempted to read/write array element at index 51 in array of size 50 [19:19:48] [debug] AMX backtrace: [19:19:48] [debug] #0 000314f4 in public MinigameUpdate () in RLS.amx [19:19:50] [debug] Run time error 4: "Array index out of bounds" [19:19:50] [debug] Attempted to read/write array element at index 51 in array of size 50 [19:19:50] [debug] AMX backtrace: [19:19:50] [debug] #0 0003248c in public MinigameWinner (51) in RLS.amx [19:19:50] [debug] #1 00031800 in public MinigameUpdate () in RLS.amx
public MinigameUpdate( ) { if(Iter_Count(FallOutMg) < 1) return EndMinigame( ); new str[128], Float:playerx, Float:playery, Float:playerz[MAX_PLAYERS]; foreach(FallOutMg, i) { GetPlayerPos(i, playerx, playery, playerz[i]); if(playerz[i] < 2.0) //Checks if player is in the water { format(str, sizeof(str), "%s {33FFFF}has dropped out of FallOut Minigame, Rank {FF0000}%d", PlayerName(i), Iter_Count(FallOutMg)); SendClientMessageToAll(0xFF0000C8, str); //-------------------------------------- GameTextForPlayer(i, pFellOffText[random(sizeof(pFellOffText))], 2500, 3); Iter_Remove(FallOutMg, i); PlayerInfo[i][ActionID] = 0; Minigamer_{i} = false; RespawnPlayer(i); } } if(Iter_Count(FallOutMg) < 2) { foreach(FallOutMg, i) MinigameWinner(i); } new objectid, Float:ObjectX, Float:ObjectY, Float:ObjectZ; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- if(!VIEW_FROM_ABOVE) { foreach(_FallOutObjects, i) { if(IsOdd(random(10) ) ) { GetObjectPos(Objects_[0][i], ObjectX, ObjectY, ObjectZ); MoveObject(Objects_[0][i], ObjectX, ObjectY, ObjectZ -1.5, 0.2); MoveObject(Objects_[1][i], ObjectX, ObjectY, ObjectZ -1.5, 0.2); } else { GetObjectPos(Objects_[0][i], ObjectX, ObjectY, ObjectZ); MoveObject(Objects_[0][i], ObjectX, ObjectY, ObjectZ +1.5, 0.2); MoveObject(Objects_[1][i], ObjectX, ObjectY, ObjectZ +1.5, 0.2); } } } objectid = Iter_Random(_FallOutObjects); GetObjectPos(Objects_[0][objectid], ObjectX, ObjectY, ObjectZ); SetTimerEx("SpeedUp", 500, 0, "ifff", objectid, ObjectX, ObjectY, ObjectZ); MoveObject(Objects_[0][objectid], ObjectX, ObjectY, ObjectZ -5, 1); if(!VIEW_FROM_ABOVE) MoveObject(Objects_[1][objectid], ObjectX, ObjectY, ObjectZ -5, 1); Iter_Remove(_FallOutObjects, objectid); return 1; }
public MinigameWinner(player) { new str[128]; //----------- format(str, sizeof(str), "%s {33FFFF}has won Fallout Minigame!", PlayerName(player)); SendClientMessageToAll(0xFF0000C8, str); //-------------------------------------- switch(PlayerInfo[player][Language]) { case 0: SendClientMessage(player, -1, "You are won the Fallout ! {FF0000}Reward 100 score , 50.000$ and 50 Coins ."); case 1: SendClientMessage(player, -1, "{0080FF}Ai castigat minigame-ul {FF8040}Fallout {0080FF}! {FF0000}Premiu 100 score , 5.000$ si 50 Coins ."); } SetPlayerScore(player, GetPlayerScore(player) + 100); GivePlayerCash(player, 5000); PlayerInfo[player][Coins] += 50; //------------------------------ Minigamer_{player} = false; Iter_Remove(FallOutMg, player); PlayerInfo[player][ActionID] = 0; SetTimerEx("RespawnPlayer", 1400, 0, "i", player); SetTimer("EndMinigame", 1700, 0); }
new bool:Minigamer_[MAX_PLAYERS char];