How did you start coding?

Originally Posted by cuddlee
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because i wanted social acceptance in samp discord
and you still don\'t get acceptance.

I just started. Wiki and tutorials, now I\'m coding for a living

The moment that is your history is my present status.

I wanted to know why everything did what it did, and more importantly, how.

Once I started to get the hang of it majority of servers seemed very unimpressive due to

the simplicity of everything.

Basically started making things that were out of my league using lots of maths. Went thru basically all the functions on the wiki page to figure out what could be useful and in what sense I could use it. Guess it\'s in my nature, since I\'m a Mechanical Engineer now.

this help me a lot at become Lua Programmer

I opened Pawno.

Originally Posted by Hazon
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I opened Pawno.
I opened notepad .

yesterday\'s players are the programmers of today.

Back in 7th grade, I got interested how games are done, so I started studying C# and Unity, then moving to Python.

Well, my mother is a programmer and my father is a networker. I guess I just grew up around it. I started coding (not very good, but something) when I was 11. My mother was at Uni at the time studying programming, and I would borrow her C++ and Java textbooks to try teach myself. My first ever "code" was a html/javascript slideshow of farm animals lol. From there I\'ve pretty much just self taught what I know.

Originally Posted by Flakeyy
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Well, my mother is a programmer and my father is a networker. I guess I just grew up around it. I started coding (not very good, but something) when I was 11. My mother was at Uni at the time studying programming, and I would borrow her C++ and Java textbooks to try teach myself. My first ever "code" was a html/javascript slideshow of farm animals lol. From there I\'ve pretty much just self taught what I know.
Very wholesome 😊

Putting together snippet codes I started building scripts. Slowly, I realized that I was actually building things on my own rather than copying snippets and sticking them together. With that being said, currently studying Technical Computer Science.

It all started in C++ with a small motivation from my cousin. A month later I found myself with a command line Pokemon game in C++. Something really basic, like shop, pokeballs, pokemon catching, fights (no moves) and reading/writing a.k.a saving and loading from a local file. Funny that my help thread can still be found in the old and classic forums.

runescape private servers
runescape botting

I started editting a NGRP Leaked gamemode. Next I created a custom Prison break Roleplay gamemode from stratch. With a outbreak option etc.. Custom mapped prison island.. Next I was running it on my home host and reached 40 PB for like the next 13 days. (I didn\'t turned my PC off at all). Then kinda closed it down.

Originally Posted by aymel
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runescape private servers

runescape botting
Yes my boy. I started with RSPS, Then came here and edited an old god father script back in 2012, learnt a lot from reading scripts and tutorials then scripted a server and the domain got stolen from one of my staff team and he banned all the players so I quit sa-mp and now I\'m slowly coming back. Alots changed.

Originally Posted by iLearner
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Liked a server I was admin at. Wanted to do the same. Made my first (and quite frankly bad!) cnr script.

Thnx brother j0sh.
Originally Posted by Variable™
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I opened notepad .
i opened sublime text

Downloaded a few game modes and really only started changing text in the game mode and thought it was cool, so I started to learn more into it. Around 2013 is when I really started developing my own mode. It was supposed to be an army roleplay server, but ended up turning it into a team deathmatch server. I started reading more guides and downloaded filterscripts to learn more of how systems work and started incorporating them. I also peek at the wiki every now and then incase I forgot something. I always think downloading filterscripts that have the base idea of what I am looking for but have really no idea how to develop really helps me out because it gives me a first hand experience at how it is done. I then make the system my own by making changes or thinking how I would like it to be done and it is very rewarding once it is done. I am not a computer programmer or major by any means and mainly do it as a hobby. Sorry for the book lol.

12, and then 15, then 17, then 21, then 23. Now 24, still learning and starting again. ADD is a bitch haha.

For me it started with Dawn of War. First PC game I ever played and couldn\'t believe modding was a thing. Joined a mod team and pretended I knew what I was doing (i was 14 at the time). I was making maps which was fairly easy and required no coding. I was "learning" how the scripting language worked in the process. Never figured it out, but I ended up going to college and got my degree in software engineering, so at least thats something. I can still remember thinking I was an absolute pro hacker modifying the config files for GTA VC and running the limit adjuster so that total conversion mods could be used.

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