Referral function?

I've tried different stuff, and it ain't working. I've also searched for tutorials but I can't find one, if there's one then I may have not used the proper keyword. Anyways, I'm trying to make a referral function. Here:

A new player joins the server. I want to make a dialog input that will ask "Who referred you to join this server?" There will be a box that they can input the name of that user, example "DarkMythHunter" then in the database column "Referrals" it will add "1". But if the user don't put a registered name ( can be checked through database column "Username" it won't accept it and ask for a valid username". I hope someone helps me, thanks a lot.

Okay, I'm assuming that you are using newest version of MySQL plugin and you have created connection to your database.

To start off, let's define our dialog id:
Then we need to put our dialog into OnPlayerConnect(or anywhere where you want it).
public OnPlayerConnect(playerid) {
	ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_ID_REFERRAL_CHECK, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT,"Referral system", "If someone invited you to this server, input his name below", "OK", "Cancel");
//your code here
Next, let's handle the dialog response.
public OnDialogResponse(playerid, dialogid, response, listitem, inputtext[]) {
			if(!response) {
				//here you can put code that will execute when player clicks "Cancel" - the right button;
				return 1;
			else {
				//you can add if's checking if user input is empty etc.
				new 	Query[128];
				mysql_format(YOUR_MYSQL_HANDLE, Query, sizeof Query,"SELECT * FROM `table_name` WHERE `Username` = '%e'", inputtext);
				mysql_tquery(YOUR_MYSQL_HANDLE, Query, "OnReferralNameCheck", playerid, inputtext);

Don't forget to replace YOUR_MYSQL_HANDLE with handle that you're using to connect to your database and `table_name` with your table name!

And to end this simple script, create function that checks if that name is valid, and if it is add 1 to `Referrals` column.
forward OnReferralNameCheck(playerid, const name[]); 
public OnReferralNameCheck(playerid, const name[]) 
	if(cache_num_rows()) {
		//user has put right name
		new Query[128];
		mysql_format(YOUR_MYSQL_HANDLE, Query, sizeof Query,"UPDATE `table_name` SET `Referrals` = `Referrals` + 1 WHERE `Username` = '%e'", name);
		mysql_tquery(YOUR_MYSQL_HANDLE, Query);
	else {
		//user has put wrong name
		SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "This user doesn't exist!");
		ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_ID_REFERRAL_CHECK, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT,"Referral system", "If someone invited you here, input his name below", "OK", "Cancel");

Originally Posted by serqq
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Okay, I'm assuming that you are using newest version of MySQL plugin and you have created connection to your database.

To start off, let's define our dialog id:
Then we need to put our dialog into OnPlayerConnect(or anywhere where you want it).
public OnPlayerConnect(playerid) {
	ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_ID_REFERRAL_CHECK, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT,"Referral system", "If someone invited you to this server, input his name below", "OK", "Cancel");
//your code here
Next, let's handle the dialog response.
public OnDialogResponse(playerid, dialogid, response, listitem, inputtext[]) {
			if(!response) {
				//here you can put code that will execute when player clicks "Cancel" - the right button;
				return 1;
			else {
				//you can add if's checking if user input is empty etc.
				new 	Query[128];
				mysql_format(YOUR_MYSQL_HANDLE, Query, sizeof Query,"SELECT * FROM `table_name` WHERE `Username` = '%e'", inputtext);
				mysql_tquery(YOUR_MYSQL_HANDLE, Query, "OnReferralNameCheck", playerid, inputtext);

Don't forget to replace YOUR_MYSQL_HANDLE with handle that you're using to connect to your database and `table_name` with your table name!

And to end this simple script, create function that checks if that name is valid, and if it is add 1 to `Referrals` column.
forward OnReferralNameCheck(playerid, const name[]); 
public OnReferralNameCheck(playerid, const name[]) 
	if(cache_num_rows()) {
		//user has put right name
		new Query[128];
		mysql_format(YOUR_MYSQL_HANDLE, Query, sizeof Query,"UPDATE `table_name` SET `Referrals` = `Referrals` + 1 WHERE `Username` = '%e'", name);
		mysql_tquery(YOUR_MYSQL_HANDLE, Query);
	else {
		//user has put wrong name
		SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "This user doesn't exist!");
		ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_ID_REFERRAL_CHECK, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT,"Referral system", "If someone invited you here, input his name below", "OK", "Cancel");

Edited some stuffs to match my gamemode, thanks a lot, it works fine!

Just a follow-up question, I've added a column "Referred by" and it's supposed to show who (Username) invited him to the server. I want that name he put in "Input" to be entered in "Referred by" how do I do that?

Originally Posted by ******
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Don't use names, store it as a foreign key in to the user table.
I'm using names cause later on I want to check "who referred who".

How tho?


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