08.12.2018, 14:15

Samp Front
A web template for SA:MP related websites.
Samp Front is a basic starter landing page template for SA:MP communities related websites. It's always better to craft your stuff from scratch, however, for the oblivious, it's life-saving to have a starter prototype filling your hands at your debut.Preview
Of course, Samp Front can be customized to meet your needs, that's the reason for affixing it with the word “template”. However, note that the credits should remain untouched so that the contributors are at least acknowledged.I apologize in advance I couldn't get the template live for demo-ing it, all I could do was provide these video clips:Download
Simply pay a visit to this repository and either clone or download it.
The installation is pretty easy, navigate to the config folder, there you'll find a file named config.ini, open it up on edit mode and tweaks the settings in there to your liking, then simply save it and the website will reflect those changes.Features
As for the logo, replace the logo.png file that's located under public/assets/img
- Live server/players statistic preview.
- Dark/Light themes.
- Discord sever embed.
- CRUD for news articles.
- Image gallery.
Any help is welcomed, feel free to fire an issue or a pull request any time.A contribution is also counted if all you did was simply report bugs or suggest new features, the best way to voice your idea is by filing an issue here.
Big thanks to David Weston for SampQueryAPI.