Speaking of such a person as Kalcor, we figuratively represent the person who created the whole industry and can manage it as he pleases. But this is far from true. Kalcor is a man like us. Unlike you and me, he puts himself above everyone and everything. Based on the last topic discussed, we see how he proved his point in everything. Why doesn't he admit that he's too lazy to do anything for samp? To admit that he has long been indifferent to its users and now it is important for him is that to stay afloat and not let others develop, even using the merged source code of his creation long ago. Why keep the source code in an accessible place, even in a hidden form. I think he will hear me and give a clear refutation of my even if not proven, but still facts. If he blocks my account on this forum, it will prove my point in everything.
Original text:
Говоря о таком человеке как Калкор, мы образно представляем личность, которая создала целую индустрию и может ею управлять так, как ему вздумается. Но это далеко не так. Калкор это такой же человек, как и мы. В отличии от нас с вами, он ставит себя выше всех и вся. Исходя из последней обсуждаемой темы, мы видим как он доказывал свою правоту во всём. Почему бы ему не признаться в том, что ему лень что либо делать для samp? Признаться в том, что ему уже давно безразличны его пользователи и сейчас для него важно это то, что бы оставаться на плаву и не дать другим развиваться, пусть да же используя слитый давным давно исходный код своего творения. Зачем хранить исходники в доступном месте, пусть даже в скрытом виде. Думаю он меня услышит и даст внятные опровержения моим пусть да же не доказанным, но всё же фактам. Если он заблокирует мою учётную запись на данном форуме, то это докажет мою правоту во всём.
In short:
Kalcor did not like that his samp source code is developing rapidly and correctly.
I want to emphasize that the introduction of the game project in samp brings considerable income. About $ 15,000 a month, maybe I'm wrong, but this information is taken from large, developed projects.
I want to cite a couple of proven facts.
1. In Runet tab hosted resell.
2. Maper gets quite good money.
3. Scripters are not so relevant, because pawn even a child can learn.
4. yutubers who advertise samp projects receive an average of 2-3 minutes of video about $ 200 and above.
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I think you confused point 2 with point 3, but thanks for explaining.
The theft was carried out not by the developers of rw-mp, but by a completely different person.
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As I understood from this thread,
Seems like someone is jealous of Kalcor.
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this bollocks again
when will you all learn kalcor doesn't give a toss about what you actually think
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I think Kalcor just does not get how many guys still want to play this mod. Corresponding he seems to lose the motivation to still develop as fast as we would like he do so.
There are just two ways;
1) still complaining about Kalcor
2) giving examples and solutions to show Kalcor that this mod is still worth it
I would like to go for the second way. Over the years, SA-MP has been more than just a game we like to play. Simple SA-MP Servers need to have a huge website, forums, professional graphics, and a grammatically correct advertising. And: This is not bad. It shows that the SA-MP Community is going with the time.
Kalcor does not need to develop the mod alone. There are a lot of guys who are trustworthy and have good knowledge.
But in most case writing the code is not the biggest effort to give. Just think about creating an SA-MP Server. Scripting it is, if you know pawn, easy. The real problems u will meet is to handle all the stuff around your project. A bug is pretty fast fixed, but need to be reported and figured out.
The SA-MP Beta Testers Team is doing a huge job. They need to check the wiki, show activity in the forums and even changing usernames here if someone like to. Well, they don't really need to, but they should and they do, and that's good.
Y_Less, just for an example, is a very active member in the discord and is even responding to little names like me. I had the privilege to text with him about a few things and he is responding to the community, which I am a part of, and that is very important. Kalcor does the same. He is active in the forums and responding, even quoting, community members.
I am not a fan of Kalcors decision, but I am also not a critic of it. I am just staying here and hoping for an update.
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Kalcor and the rest of the SA:MP dev. team have already done so much for this multiplayer mod trough these years and I can only thank them for that. I personally think, that there is no point into releasing new updates for this multiplayer mod which is based on a decade old game, which none of us /old dogs/ tbh don't even play. The new generation is not interested into a decade old game aswell, because they better choose other multiplayer games which are very popular nowadays and I'm pretty sure you know which ones. Of course, it depends on a person's PC specs and if it's crap then GTA San Andreas Multiplayer is just for you!
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Originally Posted by CoaPsyFactor
By reading all posts in this thread, I came to conclusion that noone in this thread understands how memory hacking work, and how hard it is to map actions with their memory addresses...
And my thoughts about open source - well, what if code base of SAMP is MTA? finding out that would cost Kye much time and money 
Yeah, you can guess that people do not understand memory hacking by reading the posts in this thread, you baboon.
1 Thing:
SA-MP's code base is NOTHING like MTA.