a question regarding global pickups

I'm making a kind of simple hp pickup when a player dies and the first one who takes it gets +20 health, so in this case i should call the variable with

PHP код:
new hp_pickup[MAX_PICKUPS]; 
or what? because i'm not sure if i should use this or simple this
PHP код:
new hp_pickup
it doesn't really explain on wiki (https://sampwiki.blast.hk/wiki/CreatePickup)

No? this explains it pretty clean.

Originally Posted by willbedie
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No? this explains it pretty clean.
No you don't get me, i already got the knowledge on making pickups but why is there MAX_PICKUPS? what does it do, example my server has 30 players, will it be good if store the pickup id on
PHP код:
new hp_pickup
instead of
PHP код:
new hp_pickup[MAX_PLAYERS] or [MAX_PICKUPS
what's the difference between using it and not using it

I've never used pickups before, but I think MAX_PICKUPS does the same like others, for example MAX_PLAYERS

MAX_PICKUPS - Whatever you define this, it will be the maximum pickups you can have
MAX_PLAYERS - For example you define this to 100, your maximum players slot is 100.

I guess you can understand me.

Alright , thank you

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