Poll: Veterans forum in samp

Hi guys, just got here... xD
A long time I created this account. I'm not more using

Originally Posted by doodem
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Hi guys, just got here... xD
A long time I created this account. I'm not more using
Holy shit 2k5 o.O

Originally Posted by MaDK1LLA
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Golden Era

I been playing since 2006, people who started after 2008 had mist the golden era of sa-mp

The time of sa-mp was in 2006 why?
Because you had clans like [MOB], [SMITH], [W], [NB],[TX!] / [SiN] and even [SWK].
All these clans caused drama's hypes clan wars which gave perfection performances.

Little whiteys and LVP where flooded with these clans. I had the honor to have been apart of these top amazing clans such as [NB], [TX!] / [SiN] & [MOB]. I have also had my own clan [R6] - Rainbow six which I had the best team members and the most respected players I ever met. Jamal, mitch, ding, Bleed etc.

But at this time there is no golden era no clans fight with amazing performances because the veteran members have gone.

I'm not bad mouthing sa-mp or anything as much as this mod is the best one today but since the "Official" tab had been removed the deathmatch community died down, and sa-mp is more focused on roleplay.

I am grateful for being apart of the sa-mp community since the first ever release 0.1a, I was playing MTA race before I came across this mod, I remember I ******d "San andreas multiplayer on foot" because mta was only a car mod. After the search I came across this website, I excitedly downloaded this mod and connected to Little whiteys server where I found the clan [TX!] (Aka SiN) which was a fun clan taxing people around the map who became a death match clan.

This was 1 month after I started sa-mp I taken this picture by mistake, I was going to delete it but it has too much memories: http://www.xfire.com/profile/steveo2.../?view#1992107
Bumping an old topic

Madkilla you still floating about on here or anyone else from 2006-2009ish? I was just watching a ******* video and a vid from SA-MP come up and had to check to see if its still alive lol

P.S its Mitch btw

I think I started playing around 0.1b

Friend of mine entered 'San Andreas Multiplayer' into a search engine
We were hooked ever since

I found out about SAMP in a PC Gaming Magazine (which had a CD with the 0.1 installer). Didn't run on my old PC so I was waiting nervously to try it out on a friend's PC (which was the best PC I ever seen, at that time). Good memories, just driving around and killing people, calling 2 shotting people hackers like the currently new generation.

h e n l o


I'm still here

I'm here

Ye ye, I here before Kalcor bought the domain, thats how hardcore I am hehehehehhe

I'm actually dugi but my account name is bugged

Originally Posted by Potassium
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I'm actually dugi but my account name is bugged
You're wrong, and if you think i'm right you're right.

Originally Posted by RogueDrifter
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You're wrong, and if you think i'm right you're right.

the poll despawned

Originally Posted by brauf
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the poll despawned
That's actually a good question... Why's the thread still up, and the poll gone... lol.

actually am kalcor....my name is bugged...

Started playing in midst 2009 and I only found out about the forum of SA-MP in 2012.

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