19.09.2009, 16:28
hi, (i dont think this goes here but i cant see anywere else to post this)
can anyone help me set up Moderntopia Roleplay: Los Santos (http://forum.sa-mp.com/index.php?topic=40077.0) for a new server i will getting in the next day ( payed server) becouse ive had a go on a home server and ive just fucked it up completly , and also any scripters can be of use (if you have the time).
can anyone help me set up Moderntopia Roleplay: Los Santos (http://forum.sa-mp.com/index.php?topic=40077.0) for a new server i will getting in the next day ( payed server) becouse ive had a go on a home server and ive just fucked it up completly , and also any scripters can be of use (if you have the time).