
Hello, I try to do a speed boost to the forward with car.

public OnPlayerKeyStateChange(playerid, newkeys, oldkeys)
if(newkeys == KEY_CTRL_BACK)
new Float: vX, Float: vY, Float: vZ;
GetPlayerVelocity(playerid, vX, vY, vZ);
SetPlayerVelocity(playerid, vX + 5.0, vY , vZ);
return 1;

This Boost works just in x coordinate, but I want what ot work to the forward of player. How I can change direction?

Sorry for my bad english

It will only work in X direction because you are doing "SetPlayerVelocity(playerid, vX + 5.0, vY , vZ);"
Instead of using multiplication in all directions.
PHP код:
SetPlayerVelocity(playeridvX*numbervY*number vZ*number); 


Originally Posted by wiki
Let's presume that you want to detect when a player presses their FIRE button, the obvious code would be:

PHP код:
if (newkeys == KEY_FIRE
This code may even work in your testing, but it is wrong and your testing is insufficient. Try crouching and pressing fire - your code will instantly stop working. Why? Because "newkeys" is no longer the same as "KEY_FIRE", it is the same as "KEY_FIRE" COMBINED WITH "KEY_CROUCH".

Thanks, but now it doesn't work in vehicle

You also need more than just to add speed to a vector, you need to do some calculations and such.

This guy made a filterscript doing pretty much what you want.


thanks! +rep

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