Looking to create a RP Server Project... Looking for help

Hey guys, I've asked people for help in general here in the past but I'm looking for a crew to form here. I have all the essentials to get a server going but I'm looking for a team. My friend and I are full of ideas but are low in time to commit fully to these without some assistance. I'm looking for people who preferably could fill in these positions. I realize that I put up the "Admin" positions and we all know that when anyone puts that there the first reaction that comes out is the "That's more like a chore" I know that. At the same time I also know that there are a bunch of dedicated people who are willing to try to create something huge. So please be courteous when responding to this thread.


***Full Time Scripter (with prior knowledge of Mysql)
***Admin team [3-5 people] (may be delayed until script is produced)
***Mod team [3-5 people] (may be delayed along with the Admins)


I'd prefer if the people who decide to help out with this project have a fluent understanding of the English language and can speak it clearly.


This is 'Scripting discussion' - section, not 'Searching for other people to create a RP server for me' - section.

Originally Posted by Finn
This is 'Scripting discussion' - section, not 'Searching for other people to create a RP server for me' - section.
I'm sorry Finn, wasn't sure where to post this. It's not meant to be a "Make me a server" thread... but if that's what it feels like you guys can remove it. It's cool.


hahahahahahahahahahaha do you have any idea how many RP servers are already out there? and how many of them failed from official? and how many of them are not even close to get on official and theres over 500 servers with GF edits and like 100 servers with there own script but they arent getting members.

and think about it.. do you know how to script! if not then your screwd.. you cant do this unless jesus comes from the sky and goes like "yo.. ill script for you" then you might have luck bro.. trust on this man we all tried making RP but failed bad and same i tried makin RP for about 2 months and failed horrible but now im starting to get back on track with a different script.. and theres way tooo many people asking for being a crew or a group or someshit, but they offer over 300$ and they still tend to get on the failure road.. all im saying is just GOOD LUCK!

Skype : Gecatahh

Originally Posted by SanMarinoRP
hahahahahahahahahahaha do you have any idea how many RP servers are already out there? and how many of them failed from official? and how many of them are not even close to get on official and theres over 500 servers with GF edits and like 100 servers with there own script but they arent getting members.

and think about it.. do you know how to script! if not then your screwd.. you cant do this unless jesus comes from the sky and goes like "yo.. ill script for you" then you might have luck bro.. trust on this man we all tried making RP but failed bad and same i tried makin RP for about 2 months and failed horrible but now im starting to get back on track with a different script.. and theres way tooo many people asking for being a crew or a group or someshit, but they offer over 300$ and they still tend to get on the failure road.. all im saying is just GOOD LUCK!
We all know you fail, it's because you do a half ass'd job. If you're going to do something, do it right. Put 110% effort into the script to make it as attractive to your community as possible.

Originally Posted by SanMarinoRP
hahahahahahahahahahaha do you have any idea how many RP servers are already out there? and how many of them failed from official? and how many of them are not even close to get on official and theres over 500 servers with GF edits and like 100 servers with there own script but they arent getting members.

and think about it.. do you know how to script! if not then your screwd.. you cant do this unless jesus comes from the sky and goes like "yo.. ill script for you" then you might have luck bro.. trust on this man we all tried making RP but failed bad and same i tried makin RP for about 2 months and failed horrible but now im starting to get back on track with a different script.. and theres way tooo many people asking for being a crew or a group or someshit, but they offer over 300$ and they still tend to get on the failure road.. all im saying is just GOOD LUCK!
fact of getting official or not, is not the big thing. the fact of getting a good community with respect towards eachother, with good roleplay, with respect to help out the server. that is a big thing.

I ain't saying this guy will never get somewhere, but look at me for an example, i can barely script. all of our scripting goes out to my brother, yet i see own a server and its on official list .

btw, long as the guy lets say is a good guy, willing to put alot of effect into a server, maybe even ruin his life in a way for it (Yes i have done it myself) than maybe he'll have a shot at having a server, the fact you are right there are lots of GF Edits, why is this?. because everyone loved Godfather, and its the main base of Roleplay, so why wast your time scripting all that code where you can just use godfather, add your own addons, fix all the bugs. <-- which alot of times people release them allready mainly fixed.

My Server runs based off godfather, i mean been like a year of scripting edits, and effects and such added into it, and just about all of the old godfather scripting rescripted because it was buggy, but as i said the fact of it being is, its the base of roleplay it has been for a while now.

Anyways man, you should just keep your mouth closed, let the guy do what he wants to do, you don't no maybe he will become successful, and if he does ill laugh if he laughs in your face.

For the poster, i suggest you don't even look for "staff" on these forums, trust me you don't want/need immature people as staff, and alot roll around these forums, also wouldn't really trust much people as a scripter, but you know sometimes a good scripter needs a co-owner, maybe they'll look at you, and trust me for any of you scripters you need help, you might think its all okay at minute but you'll need help if you get somewhere, and you'll need someone with powers just like you, behind your back at all times. don't ever mind giving out tips.

Anyways man, keep your head up.

Originally Posted by Mr187
Originally Posted by SanMarinoRP
hahahahahahahahahahaha do you have any idea how many RP servers are already out there? and how many of them failed from official? and how many of them are not even close to get on official and theres over 500 servers with GF edits and like 100 servers with there own script but they arent getting members.

and think about it.. do you know how to script! if not then your screwd.. you cant do this unless jesus comes from the sky and goes like "yo.. ill script for you" then you might have luck bro.. trust on this man we all tried making RP but failed bad and same i tried makin RP for about 2 months and failed horrible but now im starting to get back on track with a different script.. and theres way tooo many people asking for being a crew or a group or someshit, but they offer over 300$ and they still tend to get on the failure road.. all im saying is just GOOD LUCK!
fact of getting official or not, is not the big thing. the fact of getting a good community with respect towards eachother, with good roleplay, with respect to help out the server. that is a big thing.

I ain't saying this guy will never get somewhere, but look at me for an example, i can barely script. all of our scripting goes out to my brother, yet i see own a server and its on official list .

btw, long as the guy lets say is a good guy, willing to put alot of effect into a server, maybe even ruin his life in a way for it (Yes i have done it myself) than maybe he'll have a shot at having a server, the fact you are right there are lots of GF Edits, why is this?. because everyone loved Godfather, and its the main base of Roleplay, so why wast your time scripting all that code where you can just use godfather, add your own addons, fix all the bugs. <-- which alot of times people release them allready mainly fixed.

My Server runs based off godfather, i mean been like a year of scripting edits, and effects and such added into it, and just about all of the old godfather scripting rescripted because it was buggy, but as i said the fact of it being is, its the base of roleplay it has been for a while now.

Anyways man, you should just keep your mouth closed, let the guy do what he wants to do, you don't no maybe he will become successful, and if he does ill laugh if he laughs in your face.

For the poster, i suggest you don't even look for "staff" on these forums, trust me you don't want/need immature people as staff, and alot roll around these forums, also wouldn't really trust much people as a scripter, but you know sometimes a good scripter needs a co-owner, maybe they'll look at you, and trust me for any of you scripters you need help, you might think its all okay at minute but you'll need help if you get somewhere, and you'll need someone with powers just like you, behind your back at all times. don't ever mind giving out tips.

Anyways man, keep your head up.
Scavenging off my script sir, i can get you removed.

Originally Posted by o BLACKZ o
Scavenging off my script sir, i can get you removed.
The Gamemode was released publicly with the source. no claims or copyrights or anything was involved while it was released, you yourself use to be apart of the PR-RP team, so just to say "you cant".

the script was released publicly with no copyrights, which gives us the right to use it at any times, and do whatever we want with it.

we still keep credits on the source as that was the only thing that was asked when released.

Also, you handed up the script yourself a long time ago, because you couldn't fix any bugs in the script. and once you decided to leave the "team" and the "server". you never gave us any rules, or notices to "FreshKilla" about what he can do with the script, he was never given any papers to sign or any agreements which gives him the right to do what he wants with it.
so as your the one the released the script to the public, and decided to give him your version of it without any agreements or copyrights or anything, there is nothing you can do about us using it.

also i been told you released a old version of PR-RP, which includes a bunch of FreshKilla's scripting in it.

Please next time you decide to post threatening me make sure you know what your saying.
I ain't got much time to deal with threats that are just full of bullshit.

Also please next time, stay on topic.


Sir, I gave up on PR-RP a long time ago as it failed(you, sapir, freshnoob). And it's my script, I didn't release "PR-RP" to the public, I released "LA-RP"(get your facts straight).


and once you decided to leave the "team" and the "server". you never gave us any rules, or notices to "FreshKilla" about what he can do with the script

Umm, no. I was banned and didn't have a last word, once again get your facts straight.

If you dont belive I can get you removed:

Try me?


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