26.06.2018, 04:15
Hi everyone, I made this code to add the DFF names on each line, but it is not coming out correctly, when I add 2 lines to rename just rename 1, when I add 3 lines just rename 2 and so on.
Can anybody help me ?
Result: https://imgur.com/a/dRd1cxk
Can anybody help me ?
#define dummy "dummy" stock RenameIPL(FileName[], Code[]) { new File:File, String[1000], String2[1000]; format(String,sizeof(String),"Object Renamed/%s.txt", FileName); format(String2,sizeof(String2),"%s\r\n", Code); File = fopen(String, io_append); fwrite(File, String2); fclose(File); return 1; } stock RenameDummy(ID, DFFName[50], Interior, Float:X,Float:Y,Float:Z, Float:RX,Float:RY,Float:RZ,Float:RR) { if(ID == 1001) {DFFName = "House1";} if(ID == 1002) {DFFName = "House2";} new String[1000]; format(String,sizeof(String),"%d, %s, %d, %f,%f,%f, %f,%f,%f,%f, -1", ID, DFFName, Interior, X,Y,Z, RX,RY,RZ,RR); RenameIPL("IPL_Renamed", String); return 1; } public OnGameModeInit() { RenameDummy(1001, dummy, 0, 2760.900400, 1219.700200, 11.200000, 0, 0, 0.71937011, 0.69462698); RenameDummy(1002, dummy, 0, 2760.900400, 1219.700200, 11.200000, 0, 0, 0.71937011, 0.69462698); return 1; }