17.09.2009, 20:59
Example Admin Panel V2.0
What Is It?
It's the Dialog-Based equivalent of standard admin commands. Very user friendly and easy enough to manage, but advanced enough to get any job done. This is just a demo of the work I plan on accomplishing in the weekend. I'm letting people use this (without credits, because frankly, I can't stop you from pretending it's yours) to get used to the new SA-MP 0.3 update and it's functions. As SA-MP progresses, as will this until it's completed.
How Do I Make My Own Commands?
I will be making a tutorial for an easy approach to this script. For now I suggest looking at the examples I've made of the basic commands found on any server.
What's New?
Version 2.0 - Demo Release
- The Script has been COMPLETELY redone and has been optimized for both server use, and scripter use.
- Menus are no longer collaspable //This would eventually bring unwanted large strings with a sizable command list
- Player List for input selection now has multiple pages, assuming there are enough players to fulfil a whole page.
- The script can now handle an infinite (as long as you can script it) amount of Categories and thus, functions
- In-Script functions have been made for the convenience of the scripter, a 'Make-It-Comfortable' style way of creating commands (almost, but eh, whatcha gunna do?)

This is used for the 'Go To' function, it lets you make the clicked on player go to the selected player (duh)

Bots won't be detected in it, this was just an example.
*note* It will give you a "Variable Not Used" Warning when compiling, I was too lazy to remove it and it kind of shows where I'm going next with the script. Just ignore it.
Download AdminPanelv2.PWN
Download AdminPanelv1.PWN
What Is It?
It's the Dialog-Based equivalent of standard admin commands. Very user friendly and easy enough to manage, but advanced enough to get any job done. This is just a demo of the work I plan on accomplishing in the weekend. I'm letting people use this (without credits, because frankly, I can't stop you from pretending it's yours) to get used to the new SA-MP 0.3 update and it's functions. As SA-MP progresses, as will this until it's completed.
How Do I Make My Own Commands?
I will be making a tutorial for an easy approach to this script. For now I suggest looking at the examples I've made of the basic commands found on any server.
What's New?
Version 2.0 - Demo Release
- The Script has been COMPLETELY redone and has been optimized for both server use, and scripter use.
- Menus are no longer collaspable //This would eventually bring unwanted large strings with a sizable command list
- Player List for input selection now has multiple pages, assuming there are enough players to fulfil a whole page.
- The script can now handle an infinite (as long as you can script it) amount of Categories and thus, functions
- In-Script functions have been made for the convenience of the scripter, a 'Make-It-Comfortable' style way of creating commands (almost, but eh, whatcha gunna do?)

This is used for the 'Go To' function, it lets you make the clicked on player go to the selected player (duh)

Bots won't be detected in it, this was just an example.
*note* It will give you a "Variable Not Used" Warning when compiling, I was too lazy to remove it and it kind of shows where I'm going next with the script. Just ignore it.
Download AdminPanelv2.PWN
Download AdminPanelv1.PWN