[TUTORIAL] Basic terrain with roads

This is a 17 minutes tutorial that I recorded for you guys. Be smart and unique, there is a big need of new projects on 0.3DL version.

Programs used: Blender 2.63
Txd workshop

Keep in mind: your textures must be in 64*64, 128*128, 256*256, 512*512, 64*128 etc.
textures in blender must be the same name as material name and .png names, so if your material is called Road then your texture must be Road and png Road.png
After you create collision in kdff you need to append col to dff by clicking on dff save icon, otherwise it will not work

AddSimpleModel(-1,4569, -2051, "Mountain.dff", "Mountain.txd");


Finally I can create roads

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