Useful Snippets

Originally Posted by ♣ ⓐⓢⓢ
thought there were already a anti-driveby filterscript release, so this is unused
It isn't an anti driveby code. It just doesn't let you take shotgun/armor from the SWAT car.

[color=red]General Saints Hospital Code

-This is for people who want the general saints hospital to have an option to /healme. You can change the amount it charges in the code.

Put this at the top of your script:
new hospitalpickup;
Put this below "CreateVehicle"s:
hospitalpickup = CreatePickup(1240,1,1172.6083,-1323.5745,15.4031); // Hospital
Put this at the very bottom under "OnPlayerPickUpPickup":
if (pickupid == hospitalpickup)
GameTextForPlayer(playerid, "~r~General Saints Hospital~n~~y~Type /healme to be healed~n~Healing: 300$",5000, 3);
And lastly, put this somewhere in "OnPlayerCommandText":
if (strcmp(cmdtext, "/healme", true) == 0)
      if(PlayerToPoint(3, playerid, 1172.6083,-1323.5745,15.4031)) // 24/7 enterance
      if(GetPlayerMoney(playerid) > 300)
			SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, "You have been healed for 300$");
			SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED, "If you didn't get healed, you");
			SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED, "obviously don't have enough money.");
			return 1;
You can edit that code and set the amount it charges:
if(GetPlayerMoney(playerid) > 300)
It will check if the player has that amount.

This will subtract money. Change the -300 to whatever you want.

Hope it helps.

Originally Posted by MenaceX^
Originally Posted by ♣ ⓐⓢⓢ
thought there were already a anti-driveby filterscript release, so this is unused
It isn't an anti driveby code. It just doesn't let you take shotgun/armor from the SWAT car.
enforcer only give armour, so 50% of the code is unused

  • Clan Tag detection/removal snippet:

    pawn Код:
    stock RemoveClanTagFromName(playerid)
        new start, end, string[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
        GetPlayerName(playerid, string, sizeof(string));
        start = strfind(string, "[", true);
        end = strfind(string, "]", true);
        if(start >= end) return 0;
            strdel(string, start, end + 1);
            SetPlayerName(playerid, string);
            return 1;
    pawn Код:
    stock TagDetect(playerid)
        new string[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
        GetPlayerName(playerid, string, sizeof(string));
        if(strfind(string, "]", true) > strfind(string, "[", true)) return 1;
        else return 0;
    RemoveClanTagFromName(playerid) - does that it says on the tin, and returns 0 if the player doesn't have a clantag.
    TagDetect(playerid) - is a simpler version of the above, and can be used in a script to stop someone getting 2 clantags. It returns 1 if the player already has a clantag, and 0 if they do not.

    Both of these scripts work with clantags situated anywhere in the name.
    • [LS]Weirdosport
    • Weirdo[LS]sport
    • Weirdosport[LS]
    All of these examples become Weirdosport when used. If the player has multiple clan tags, it will remove them one by one.

    For example, a (nooby) person connects to the server, with the username [l]o[l]o[l], and decides he wants his tags removing:
    • After the first iteration, his name will be o[l]o[l].
    • Then it will become oo[l]
    • And finally oo
    If you have any further questions, PM me, don't expect me to check this thread daily...

Originally Posted by Weirdosport
Clan Tag detection/removal snippet:

pawn Код:
stock RemoveClanTagFromName(playerid)
    new start, end, string[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
    GetPlayerName(playerid, string, sizeof(string));
    start = strfind(string, "[", true);
    end = strfind(string, "]", true);
    if(start >= end) return 0;
        strdel(string, start, end + 1);
        SetPlayerName(playerid, string);
        return 1;
Using this on Playernames like < [Qwertzu], [Pepe] > will crash the server..

forward IsInCar(playerid);
forward IsInPlane(playerid);
forward IsInBoat(playerid);

public IsInCar(playerid)
new vehm;
vehm = GetVehicleModel(GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid));

if (vehm != 548 || vehm != 469 || vehm != 447 || vehm != 563 || vehm != 497 || vehm != 488 || vehm != 487 || vehm != 417 || vehm != 425)
return true;
return false;

public IsInBoat(playerid)
new vehm;
vehm = GetVehicleModel(GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid));

if (vehm == 472 || vehm == 473 || vehm == 493 || vehm == 595 || vehm == 484 || vehm == 430 || vehm == 453 || vehm == 452 || vehm == 446 || vehm == 454)
return true;
return false;

public IsInPlane(playerid)
new vehm;
vehm = GetVehicleModel(GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid));

if (vehm == 548 || vehm == 469 || vehm == 447 || vehm == 563 || vehm == 497 || vehm == 488 || vehm == 487 || vehm == 417 || vehm == 425)
return true;
return false;

Originally Posted by cj101
Why are they all public dude and do you know 'switch' exists, it can save a lot of time and processing in most cases.


pawn Код:
IsPlayerInPlane( playerid )
  if ( !IsPlayerInAnyVehicle( playerid ) ) return false; //this will save doing the model/switch code if true

    v = GetVehicleModel( GetPlayerVehicleID( playerid ) );

  switch ( v )
    case 548, 469, 447, 563, 497, 488, 487, 417, 425 : return true;
  return false;
Take a look at that code then at your code, you will see how different it is but it does the same thing.

Donny you don't need the new v because the switch statement is evaluated only once :P

Originally Posted by 0rb
Donny you don't need the new v because the switch statement is evaluated only once :P
I wasn't sure if it only performed the single instruction on the element or it did indeed have to recall on each case, I went safe but obviously I was wrong so thanks for the correction dude.

Revised code:

pawn Код:
IsPlayerInPlane( playerid )
  // no need for the first check now as the case will be 0 so it will return false, single instruction ftw :)
  switch ( GetVehicleModel( GetPlayerVehicleID( playerid ) ) )
    case 548, 469, 447, 563, 497, 488, 487, 417, 425 : return true;
  return false;

Originally Posted by Donny
Originally Posted by 0rb
Donny you don't need the new v because the switch statement is evaluated only once :P
I wasn't sure if it only performed the single instruction on the element or it did indeed have to recall on each case, I went safe but obviously I was wrong so thanks for the correction dude.

Revised code:

pawn Код:
IsPlayerInPlane( playerid )
  // no need for the first check now as the case will be 0 so it will return false, single instruction ftw :)
  switch ( GetVehicleModel( GetPlayerVehicleID( playerid ) ) )
    case 548, 469, 447, 563, 497, 488, 487, 417, 425 : return true;
  return false;
pawn Код:
IsPlayerInPlane( playerid )
  switch ( GetVehicleModel( GetPlayerVehicleID( playerid ) ) )
    case 548, 469, 447, 563, 497, 488, 487, 417, 425 : return true;
  return false;
Less lines :> (owned)
I really dislike to do things with useless lines.

nice work

Ping Kicker.

pawn Код:
public PingCheck()
  new MAX_PING = 600;
  for(new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
                new ping, string[128];
                ping = GetPlayerPing(i);
                if(ping >= MAX_PING)
                format(string, sizeof(string), "Excessive Ping (%d) - Above %d.", ping, MAX_PING);

Wow that's one messy code.

pawn Код:
public PingCheck()
  for(new i=0; i<MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
    if(!IsPlayerAdmin(i) && IsPlayerConnected(i))
      new string[128];
      if(GetPlayerPing(i) > 600)
        format(string, sizeof(string), "Excessive Ping (%i) - Above 600.", ping);
        SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED, string);
  return 1;
You never sent the string, you created a variable when it wasn't needed, you did two seperate checks instead of using &&. Just pointing out what I changed.

Originally Posted by Mikep.
Wow that's one messy code.

pawn Код:
public PingCheck()
  for(new i=0; i<MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
    if(!IsPlayerAdmin(i) && IsPlayerConnected(i))
      new string[128];
      if(GetPlayerPing(i) > 600)
        format(string, sizeof(string), "Excessive Ping (%i) - Above 600.", ping);
        SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED, string);
  return 1;
You never sent the string, you created a variable when it wasn't needed, you did two seperate checks instead of using &&. Just pointing out what I changed.
I'm half asleep. But thanks.

PingCheck() moved to 'Useful Functions'.

pawn Код:
new string[128], RconPass;
RconPass = random(999999);
format(string, sizeof(string), "rcon_password %d", RconPass);
printf("[SYSTEM] A new RCON password has been set (%d).", RconPass);
The way I use it is on every PayDay the RCON password is automatically changed. RconPass is defined at the top of the script and the code is in PayDay().

Originally Posted by MenaceX^
This isn't supposed to be in useful snippers.

I like to use that way for ycmd as it requires you to make a forward + public so you could just do y_cmd instead of ycmd.
pawn Код:
#define y_cmd%0(%1) forward %0(%1); public %0(%1)
ycmd has its macro > Command_(command-name) wich is same as yours

Originally Posted by JoeBullet
Originally Posted by MenaceX^
This isn't supposed to be in useful snippers.

I like to use that way for ycmd as it requires you to make a forward + public so you could just do y_cmd instead of ycmd.
pawn Код:
#define y_cmd%0(%1) forward %0(%1); public %0(%1)
ycmd has its macro > Command_(command-name) wich is same as yours
Oh, sorry. I didn't know. I never looked trought the ycmd but I remember Y_Less scripting in a forward and public so I thought this might be coolest

1337 tr4nsl470r

pawn Код:
public OnPlayerText(playerid, text[])
    for(new i; i < strlen(text); i++)
        if(text[i] == 'a') text[i] = '4';
        if(text[i] == 'e') text[i] = '3';
        if(text[i] == 'l') text[i] = '1';
        if(text[i] == 'o') text[i] = '0';
        if(text[i] == 's') text[i] = '5';
        if(text[i] == 't') text[i] = '7';
    return 0;

Thanks to jeff for noticing what was wrong with it!

That will change the text from 'lol' to '101' which I don't see useful.
And make
pawn Код:
new lenght = strlen(text);
for(new i;i < lenght; i++)
The old one will, if the text is 100 chars long, call strlen 100 times to compare with i and just eat up resources

Originally Posted by CalgonX
Ping Kicker.

pawn Код:
public PingCheck()
  new MAX_PING = 600;
  for(new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
                new ping, string[128];
                ping = GetPlayerPing(i);
                if(ping >= MAX_PING)
                format(string, sizeof(string), "Excessive Ping (%d) - Above %d.", ping, MAX_PING);
That might do problems because when the player connects, the player has something like 65000 ping. So it'll kick him.

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