Why is the sa-mp rp community reluctant to change

I've been roleplaying for a while, and not just on GTA, but everytime I come back to sa-mp I see the same exact archetypes, tropes and memes. Same servers, characters, you name it. There's been a few people who weren't afraid to change, which begs the question why... is everyone else roleplaying the SAME thing on a more than decade old platform?


Where's the imaginative minds? Where's the people who actually want to base their server in a SETTING not a San Fierro meme, having the same exact roleplay LSRP does. Does it not get boring? It's so disheartenting seeing individuals let gta stagnate.

Inb4 "WhY dOn'T yOu MaKe yOuR oWn sErVeR?" This is simply a discussion not self-relfection. If I wanted to make my own server, there'd be no need since other mediums can sastify my taste.

This is GTA, the setting will always be the same because this game isn't good for any setting that doesn't revolve around guns, crime, cops, and cars. If you don't like this type of roleplay anymore there are plenty of other games out there to cater to your needs. I don't roleplay in SAMP anymore but I still do roleplay elsewhere. It took me over 2000 hours and a lot of different roles to get bored of it, though.

There are some new possibilities with 0.3DL around, even with 0.3.7 are lots of possibilities. The problem is that there are not enough skilled developers that want to risk and try something new.

Guys think out of that stupid box! Please!

Originally Posted by Flashhiee
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There are some new possibilities with 0.3DL around, even with 0.3.7 are lots of possibilities. The problem is that there are not enough skilled developers that want to risk and try something new.

Guys think out of that stupid box! Please!
Golden words sir, agreed

Originally Posted by Flashhiee
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There are some new possibilities with 0.3DL around, even with 0.3.7 are lots of possibilities. The problem is that there are not enough skilled developers that want to risk and try something new.

Guys think out of that stupid box! Please!
Well said.

Originally Posted by Flashhiee
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There are some new possibilities with 0.3DL around, even with 0.3.7 are lots of possibilities. The problem is that there are not enough skilled developers that want to risk and try something new.

Guys think out of that stupid box! Please!
Unless these developers want to take up making models on their own, whatever skills they may have aren't going to do them any good when it comes to custom content. All they can really do is implement it. Dictating how players roleplay shouldn't be down to developers either, since the players are the ones who carve their own paths. You can provide scripts that encourage out of the box RP, but if the players ignore these features and stick to roleplaying the same things they always do, what am I as a developer supposed to do about that?

Originally Posted by TommyB
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You can provide scripts that encourage out of the box RP, but if the players ignore these features and stick to roleplaying the same things they always do, what am I as a developer supposed to do about that?
That's why it takes more than just one developer to do it. It's hard, I agree, but I don't think it's impossible.

I just give 2 more years to sa-mp.

Sa-mp will be gone soon, because everyone will grow up, will stop playing (or will go to another games)

And new kids will not choose sa-mp because it has low graphics,

that's my ideea.

I know many people which used to play sa-mp, had a GREAT name in sa-mp, but they left it because of school, university, life.

And some 12 y/o kid will not start samp because of his graphics

Originally Posted by Zeus666
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I just give 2 more years to sa-mp.

Sa-mp will be gone soon, because everyone will grow up, will stop playing (or will go to another games)
Yeah, that's what they said a few years ago...

if it aint broke dont fix it

Originally Posted by Zeus666
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I just give 2 more years to sa-mp.

Sa-mp will be gone soon
I heard the same dialogue in 2013, Don't worry no one is going anywhere.

Well, heavy RP offers wide range of choices to RP as such as gangster, cop, civilian, working class, mafia, or even a weeaboo who carries a bodypillow around if you want to RP as that. Adding more features doesn't actually work because you can just RP everything depending on what you want to RP as. Usually I try to earn more money and buy a house, RP there as an otaku who likes anime and invite people to discuss it who shares the same passion as me ICly.

It's RP, you can RP as anyone you want. There's no limit to it. Keep it as it is and don't fix it if it's not even broken.

Role playing in SA is limited, or rather not realistic, actually the game doesn't suite RP. You enter your house through a pickup.. It is possible in real to teleport inside the house? Nope you just open the door using your keys. Which is something GTA V features - and is actually great. SA doesn't support first person... You don't have a camera at your back in real. I know creating it is easy, but has quite many bugs, like while aiming or in vehicles at high speeds. Animations aren't realistic, weapons are limited, graphics are quite low and skins are pretty old. So my point is that SA is quite limited and role playing in it is imaginary and even adding more features will never make it realistic. SA wasn't released as a 'RP' game, but a gang wars one, because it's the only mode that can work out with the current resources.

You're blaming developers for how players choose to roleplay?

Why's this even a discussion?

Originally Posted by Arthur Kane
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You're blaming developers for how players choose to roleplay?

Why's this even a discussion?
rp communities are reluctant to change because they're all the same, they aren't unique. guys stop with the "this is the 1980's" bullshit, so what, gta was meant for fun, not for focusing on a virtual characters life instead of your own.

gta was meant for fun, not for focusing on a virtual characters life instead of your own.
^^ That explains all

Originally Posted by Arthur Kane
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You're blaming developers for how players choose to roleplay?

Why's this even a discussion?
You clearly know shit about game development. What i meant is that you can do other things than the same old roleplay. You can made sci-fi, fantasy roleplay, or whatever elese you want. I can give you some examples on how you can change the enviroment to make the players roleplay in other ways.

Space Env. - This map obviously has some custom objects there in the background, but you can accomplish something similar to that without them aswell.
Moon Env. - In this one you can turn the gravity down to make the gameplay more immersive.
Hell'ish Env. - This doesn't need any furhter explanation. This is made by me BTW

The point is..keeping this examples in mind..you can do something else than the regular rp. Obviously..you need to be creative..you can't give a player a regular gun in space..you need to invent something new to fit your enviroment. And you also need a talented mapper to accomplish the setting you want. That's what i meant when i said to think out of the box.

P.S If you need a good mapper to make immersive maps lemme know

Originally Posted by Flashhiee
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You clearly know shit about game development.
oh sorry.

What is your point sir? I don't get it.

Originally Posted by std
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Ah yes.. being a developer from a large server makes you knowledgable. That's a pretty shitty argument. Look at some of the bigger games - most of their developers are absolutely clueless.

Have you ever played CS-GO? Half of the updates pushed out there are absolutely retarded and bring no value to the table, or what players want.

I don't know whether Arthur Kane knows his stuff or not. This post isn't directed at him, rather at the argument you bring to the table.

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