[GameMode] [COD7- Los Santos] | Solidfiles, Advance, eAdmin(BETA) | Be the first one to USE!


Please Fix this Link "http://www.speedy.sh/nfSSy/COD7ver3.zip" Link is Dead

Admim system didn't work for me :/

Thanks bro for releasing Game Mode is GOOD !!!

good +1

Originally Posted by AMBEROUS
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good +1
Why would you idiot bump an old thread ?

Originally Posted by R4nd4ll
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Why would you idiot bump an old thread ?
You're the idiot here, it's okay to bump a thread like this. Read the rules again.

For anyone who will be using this -
Since Excel left and he isn't going to update this script anymore, therefore you can almost not expect the version 3.0's download link anymore.
Here are some of the bugs I've witnessed in 2.5 (the latest version available.) (This gamemode is extremely buggy!) -

Donor class is bugged (Anyone can spawn as the donor / vip.)
eAdmin uses strcmp, and this script uses dini. (Not bug but a drawback obviously.)
Shops created in-game do not save.
Jet-trooper's jetpack or admin's jetpack do not get destroyed if abandoned, anyone can use them if they find them.
Anti advertisement does not work. (Only detects a simple IP like (use regex for better results.)
Lots of typos. (Disrupts professionalism.)

Sorry for typing in a non uniform manner Im on tablet.
This was meant to give a kickstart to anyone who looks forward to update this gamemode.

Edit: /leavedm is bugged too. Anti-Spam, Anti-swear are bugged. (They were fixed in 3.0 apparently but it isn't available anymore.)
Doctor class is bugged. (Doctor cannot heal team mates)

Edit3: /heal doesn't exist in script /kill is in eAdmin.pwn as well cod7.pwn (remove from either 1) /dmed is bugged.

Edit4: VIP Chat exists in both eAdmin.pwn and COD7.pwn. Also, Cod7.pwn uses # for quickchat with squad mates but eAdmin.pwn uses # for admin chat. several stuff contradicts each other in the filterscript and gamemode.

Edit5: Donator cannot ride Rhinos. (They're meant to!)

Edit6: In the dialog /classhelp, the donor option doesn't respond.

Edit7: Nobody can ride heavy armed vehicles, not even donators or admins or technicians.
./dmed is bugged.

Edit8: /teams is bugged.

Edit9 - Loading the filterscript eAdmin.amx is being called twice, once from server.cfg and once from the gamemode itself. Remove from either one.

Edit10 - Squad created ingame doesn't save.

Edit11 - Anti headshot helmet comes in way whenever you use any weapon with a zoom in (sniper rpg etc.)

Just how bugged this script is? xD

Edit12: Only the person who throws the tear gas gets affected by it, not anyone else. (Needs fixing!)

Edit13: Teargas can also damage the player of same team who threw them.

Edit14: Only shows the "animation started", "animation ended" gametext on animations and not special actions.

Edit15: /dweaps is mentioned in textdraw and in donor cmds but this cmd doesn't exist.

Edit16: /dammo works randomly, sometime it does, sometimes it doesn't.

Edit17: /dskin can also be used in mini-games, unlike other donor commands. for the sake of consistency I'd say this is a bug.

Edit18: No cooldown for any command? Easily abuseable. (A bug obviously.)

Edit19: Arrays are unnecessarily big (cell size is just being wasted.) (Can be a cause of lag.)

Edit20: /Rhelp is been mentioned in the script several times to player but that command doesn't exist.

Edit21: /animlist "Apply" button doesn't work.

Edit22: /classhelp "close" button is assigned to button1 instead of button2.

Edit23: The more I browse through this code the more I realize how poorly optimized it is for a public server.

Edit24: Change the timer_5000 from 5 seconds to 0.5 seconds, It's the timer to update player count textdraw and having it updated every 5 seconds is retarded.

Edit25: /cmds is screwed! More than half of the commands mentioned there doesn't even exist, wtf?

Edit26: Stabbing system is bugged (A very minor bug in script which fails the entire stabbing system.)

Edit27: Paramedic and Farmer's spawn are next to each other, dafuq.

Edit28: Vehicles are very loosely spawned. There's rarely any vehicle on spawn bases. Spawns are screwed too

Edit29: Remove EnableZoneNames from OnGameModeInit, This function has been removed ages ago, but still in the script.

EDit30: LeaveSquad reason's 4 is messed up.

Since I'm trying to fix this gamemode for personal use therefore I thought I'd share some fixes with the community. This might help someone.
The script was entirely missing /heal command for doctor class. (It's mentioned everywhere but it was nowhere to be found in the script.
The reason you may say I'm double posting is that, that reply is supposed to be kept for bug list; this for fixes.

CMD:heal(playerid, params[])
	    if(dm[playerid] == 1)
	        return SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "{FF0000}Error: {FFFFFF}You Are in a Deathmatch. Type /leavedm to Use this Command.");
	    if(class[playerid] != 2)
	        return SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "{FF0000}Error: {FFFFFF}You Need to be Doctor to Use This Command.");
		new targetid;
		if (sscanf(params, "u", targetid))
			return SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "{FF0000}Syntax: {FFFFFF}/heal (playerid / Name)");
		    return SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "{FF0000}Error: {FFFFFF}The Specified Player isn't Connected!");
		if(targetid == playerid)
		    return SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "{FF0000}Error: {FFFFFF}You Cannot Heal Yourself. Use /med Instead.");
	    if(GetPlayerTeam(targetid) != GetPlayerTeam(playerid))
	        return SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "{FF0000}Error: {FFFFFF}You Cannot Heal Enemies! Traitor!");
		new Float:pos[3];
		new sstr[56];
		GetPlayerPos(playerid, pos[0], pos[1], pos[2]);
		if(!IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(targetid, 10.0, pos[0], pos[1], pos[2]))
			return SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "{FF0000}Error: {FFFFFF}The Specified Player isn't Near You.");
		if(medicine[playerid] <= 0)
		    return SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "{FF0000}Error: {FFFFFF}You Are Out Of Medicines Stock.");
		new Float:hp;
  		GetPlayerHealth(targetid, hp);
		            format(sstr,sizeof(sstr),"{FF0000}Error: {FFFFFF}%s (%d) Already Has Full Health.",GetName(targetid), targetid);
		            return SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, sstr);
		        if(hp + 25.0 >= 100.0)
		            SetPlayerHealth(targetid, 100);
		            format(sstr,sizeof(sstr),"~g~HEALED~n~~w~~h~%d/5 Medicines left",medicine[playerid]);
		            GameTextForPlayer(playerid, "~g~HEALED", 5000, 3);
		            PlayerPlaySound(targetid, 1133, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
		            PlayerPlaySound(playerid, 1133, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
		            return SendClientMessage(targetid, -1, "{00FFFF}Notification: {FFFFFF}Your Health is now Full!");
		        if(hp + 25.00 < 100.0)
		            SetPlayerHealth(targetid, hp + 25);
		            format(sstr,sizeof(sstr),"~g~HEALED~n~~w~~h~%d/5 Medicines left", medicine[playerid]);
		            GameTextForPlayer(playerid, sstr, 5000, 3);
		            GameTextForPlayer(playerid, "~g~HEALED", 5000, 3);
		            PlayerPlaySound(targetid, 1133, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
		            PlayerPlaySound(playerid, 1133, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
		            new Float:new_hp = hp + 25.0;
		            format(sstr,sizeof(sstr),"{00FFFF}Notification: {FFFFFF}Your Health is now (%0.2f).",new_hp);
		            return SendClientMessage(targetid, -1, sstr);
	return 1;
This code adds a new library in the gamemode called sscanf. This gamemode has been previously using ancient methods for parameters, I'm re-writing commands with sscanf. (Please add sscanf to your includes folder and in your plugins folder.)

Note: This command is untested but compiles perfectly. I'm working on the GM First, Then I'll beta test with friends. If there's any fix, I'll update.

Good Job @Ritzy, I'm glad to see that at least someone is trying to improve such a script and to share their experiences with everyone.


Please update the link for version 3.0, it is not usable.

Update link

Damn i thought it's cod gamemode, btw Good job +rep

Hey the download link is not working for 3.O please provide a right one!

nice GM

Hello There, Nice GAMEMODE!
BUT I HAVE A PROBLEM When i Login In Rcon Why I Can't Login ?!
Please Reply!

I Suggest U To Make CNR/CopsAndRobbers
Cuz You Pro Scripter! <3

Hmm what about the download link?

Found it. Have fun

speedy.sh website is a not working website to use anymore pls change

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