13.10.2017, 18:55
Last edited by FuNkYTheGreat; 25/03/2018 at 06:05 PM.
Reason: Updated to v2.0
Dynamic Material Text System v2.0
Created by FunkyTheGreat.
Version 2.0 UPDATED!
Hello, Today im releasing my 5th release, Which is Dynamic Material Text System,
By this Filterscript you can Create 3D Text anywhere around SA,
Everything is done is dialogs as to be easy, If you find any bugs , Report them.
Using this script you can create different types of boards/materials/player signatures/webdings ETC.
Plus they are Saved in scriptfiles/Materials Folder (You can change the folder as well check below defines) and loaded as well,
It supports different fonts, To add new Font, Read below !
For examples of usage, Check below Pictures !
Video of v1.0 (OUTDATED VIDEO)
Check pics for the preview of new update.

Support different Fonts.
Easy to Create.
Using SA-MP Object Editing to edit.
Using y_ini to Save/Load Materials.
Everything is done in dialogs.
Can be used in every type server, In different ways.
Duplicate any material for same usage !
Write text on any object.
Some ideas of usage !
• You can also add restriction in that, So that only Donators can create Text anywhere. ( Like UIF ).
• Creating it in Different places, e.g Police Station, Jobs , Restricted Location , No Parking , Admin area etc.
• Creating a Donor wall, Where Donators name can be listed.
• As SA-MP supports Webdings, Wingdings , so you can create different arts, Can be seen through below link,
• Creating Entrance board/Exit board at various location.
• Creating a Donor Wall.
• Creating Gang Graffiti on Gang HQs.
• Creating Devs/Admins/VIPs name material.
• And much more, Go try yourself.
There isn't much commands because everything is done in dialog,
There are 3 Commands,
• /CreateMat - Creates the Dynamic Material and saves it in Scriptfiles/Material Folder,
• /EditMat (ID) - To edit the given Material, Using SA-MP editing to edit the material.
• /NearMat - To get Information about the nearest Material, Such as it's text, Font etc.
Video of explanation,
#define MPATH "Materials/%d.txt" // Path where the Material saves. #define MAX_FONTNAME 30 // The limit of Max font name ! #define MAX_MATERIALS 69 // Max amount of Materials #define MAT_DEFAULT_OBJECT 19480 // The default object of material (when created) #define MATERIAL_DEFAULT_INDEX 0 // The default index to set material text (when created) #define dValue 100 // Dialog value - starting from this Limit
Adding a new material font is really easy, Just goto line 76, And add your desire font,
Preview of v1.0 (OUTDATED) !
Airport signusing Webdings arts !

Mechanic Sign, can be used for Mechanic jobs/Petrol Pumps etc..

Hospital Sign, can be used for Hospitals in rp/cnr.

Official FedEx sign, can be used in Transportation/Delivery Jobs.

New Update Preview !
Blueberry Restaurent, Can be used in businesses like restaurents , Dine in etc..

Just a preview of new update, Can be used with any animals, by changing their Material Index.

My Country flag, You can create different countries flag using Webdings/Windings font.

An experiment table, Can be used in drug/crack Lab

A look of Windows 10 on a LCD

A sign board can be used in Staff Area/Admin lounge/VIP Lounge etc..

Can be used in restricted area such as Area 69, And some other places you want to restrict.

A special door, Can be used in VIP Lounge/Admin lounge etc.

These are just some examples, Go try yourself, It can be used in any server,
Update log.
Version v1.0 - OUTDATED
- Initial Release
- Added material index, Now you can change any index of an object.. - Added custom object, Now you can write text on any object, Check updated pics for more info. - Improved saving/loading system. - Optimized the script. - Fixed few bugs/typos.
Webdings Code Link !
Wingdings Code Link !
Credits !
• FunkyTheGreat - For creating this Filterscript.
• Incognito - For creating streamer include/plugin
• Emmet_ - For creating sscanf2 include/plugin.
• Kar - For creating foreach (used for Iterators)
• Zeex - For creating zcmd.
Download !
Mediafire Link
Pastebin Link
For any suggestions/advise/optimization/bug report feel free to reply,