House System crashes

Hello! So as title says, my house system crashes! I mean it's not mine its GarHouse.

When i type the comand /createhouse it syntax me i mean its working everything:

When i type /createhouse it says that i need to type: /createhouse [Value]

I login with RCON for every case(sorry for my bad english)

and then i type: /createhouse 10000000 or lower number depends on which is the lower number for house in my GarHouse.

And then nothing happens.. I mean REALLY nothing happens. And then, my server automatically exits the console. I mean its closes automatically. In time im in the server. And then when i try to reconnect to it. It says im banned from my own server. (Hopefully im not banned permament because i didn't add to my save system pBanned) but always.
This is the problem

If anything needs for solving this problem ask me and i will give what it needs to you.

Also, i tried with changing the plugins, changing my gamemode to the default grandlarc and it doesn't work again.
Also, here is the crashinfo: (By seeing it i think its from my computer LOL, but i don't think so)
(Also i have Streamer as plugin and include, and sscanf plugin and include)

Should show the logs of a startup, and also where you end up crashing it.

GarHouse is so old, but it has a good basis.

Has it ever worked? Or did it just start occurring?

I don't have anything to show when i start my server. It shows no error no everything. The only thing that shows up after i type /createhouse it closes my console automatically.

Even if you are interested in my server_log here it is:

SA-MP Dedicated Server
v0.3.7-R2, ©2005-2015 SA-MP Team

[09:38:35] filterscripts = "" (string)
[09:38:35] Server Plugins
[09:38:35] --------------
[09:38:35] Loading plugin: sscanf

[09:38:35] ===============================

[09:38:35] sscanf plugin loaded.

[09:38:35] Version: 2.8.2

[09:38:35] © 2012 Alex "******" Cole

[09:38:35] ===============================

[09:38:35] Loaded.
[09:38:35] Loading plugin: streamer

*** Streamer Plugin v2.9.3 by Incognito loaded ***

[09:38:35] Loaded.
[09:38:35] Loaded 2 plugins.

[09:38:35] Filterscripts
[09:38:35] ---------------
[09:38:35] Loaded 0 filterscripts.

[09:38:35] =======================================
[09:38:35] | |
[09:38:35] | YSI version 4.00.0001 |
[09:38:35] | By Alex "******" Cole |
[09:38:35] | |
[09:38:35] =======================================
[09:38:36] Toxic Freeroam by: Lixyde
[09:38:36] ----------------------------------

[09:38:36] Number of vehicle models: 0

It shows no error no everything. The only thing that shows is when i join the server. Then nothing. When i type the command: /createhouse it automatically closes my console.

If there is solve to this problem or something, or does i need other House System i don't know i found this as requires my needs. I mean it have what i need. I don't want other House System is there any possible way to fix the problem?

Also yeah, this problem just now occurred before 1 year or so i tried the same. But this time the /createhouse didn't work fully. This time it works, but it crashes my server, and doesn't make house. I don't know where is the problem.

In the gamemode? Where should this exist? I could give the filterscript?

Here it is:

Also the bugged text ignore it. It is on Bulgarian Language and that's why its bugged, but in my pawno its not bugged

From what i see its dini, dcmd not YSI

It gives me this error: undefined symbol "dini_Close"

Did you create Houses folder inside scriptfiles?

Thank you! It works!! Thank you!

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