Is it wrong to use pawno IDE?

Which IDE do you use for pawn? I'm learning php and I've been using sublime text 3.

I read a thread where a user explained how to use pawn in sublime but it was a little bit outdated, so, I would like to know if is it viable to use sublime or another IDE.

Also, it would be nice if you can give me an updated guide to install pawn syntax in sublime. I've the 3.143 version

Sublime text is a fantastic text editor for pawn, I would also suggest checking up VS Code, Atom, and notepad++.
Here's a good guide for using pawn in Sublime text.

I'm going to ignore the IDE question....

This works for me on the latest version.


Thanks guys !

I'm gonna install pawn syntax on sublime

Short answer: yes.

Longer answer: It depends. If you just got into scripting and want a simple editor that just works out of the box, go with Pawno. If you know your stuff around scripting and want to be able to customize your experience, go for Notepad++, Sublime or Atom. In the end, it all comes down to preference.

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