Suggestions for future SA:MP updates

Add more range to the pistols, especially the handguns. The range is extremely poor and is beaten by a shotgun, out of all weapons. If you look at games like PUBG or even real life, you can see a pistol as more range that 5m. Please, increase the range of Desert Eagles and Colt45s but decrease the damage as the range goes on.

Originally Posted by KingDimzy
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Add more range to the pistols, especially the handguns. The range is extremely poor and is beaten by a shotgun, out of all weapons. If you look at games like PUBG or even real life, you can see a pistol as more range that 5m. Please, increase the range of Desert Eagles and Colt45s but decrease the damage as the range goes on.
Range and damage can be scripted when it comes to simple bullets. It becomes more complicated with shotgun shells....

Sincronizar o comando SetActorFacingAngle,quando vocк usa o comando o actor nгo seta o angulo,somente na hora da criaзгo do actor ou se coloca-lo em um mundo diferente e voltar para o atual.
Fixe isso por favor,para que dк para ele virar sempre ao usar o comando.

Synchronize the SetActorFacingAngle command, when you use the command, the actor does not set the angle, just when the actor is being created or if he puts it in a different world and returns to the current one.
Fix this please, so you can always turn it around when using the command.

Originally Posted by Masaki25
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Synchronize the SetActorFacingAngle command, when you use the command, the actor does not set the angle, just when the actor is being created or if he puts it in a different world and returns to the current one.
Fix this please, so you can always turn it around when using the command.
That has been fixed in 0.3.8 RC1.

Any chance to fix the swimming speed and aiming glitches caused by high frame-rates?
The silent patch doesn't quite do it.

Add Discord Rich Presence if possible.

Originally Posted by SergeantRick
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Add Discord Rich Presence if possible.
This possibly won't be happening if you consider the discord's limit of 150 images.

You can check my thread on discord rich presence for samp here

  • Font size parameter in Create3DTextLabel
  • Attach custom images / textdraws / sprites to players /vehicles / objects etc.
  • OnPlayerClickPlayer(playerid, targetid, type, clicktype)

  • OnPlayerClickObject(playerid, objectid, clicktype)
  • OnPlayerClickVehicle(playerid, vehicleid, clicktype)
  • Movable textdraws with holding the left mouse button
  • Detect keys instead action buttons. (I mean detect KEY_ENTER instead KEY_SECONDARY_ATTACK)

I think its already been suggested(again by me),but it would be nice to be able to have custom trains. I mean to be able to spawn only a locomotive and then spawn random amount and types of carriages and attach them to the locomotive. Since its possible to spawn only a locomotive in single player,I am sure its possible in SAMP too.

Originally Posted by jlalt
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In samp its not possible to execute key for player or edit players textbox text so this feature's not possible ;_;
Yes, maybe not right now, but perhaps in later versions. That's why this topic is kinda of a suggestion.

It would be ideal that when the user dies while inside the vehicle, it leaves through the dead door as in singleplayer mode.


Originally Posted by MpK
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It would be ideal that when the user dies while inside the vehicle, it leaves through the dead door as in singleplayer mode.

Yeah! That would be awesome!

Originally Posted by MpK
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It would be ideal that when the user dies while inside the vehicle, it leaves through the dead door as in singleplayer mode.

That's achievable scriptwise.

Train Update:
If the train runs at high speed The train can derailed (Like GTA Singleplayer).

OnTrainDerailed(Float:x, Float:x, Float:z, Float:speed); // If Train runs at high speed, The train can be Derailed
OnBogieContainerFlatWagonDerailed(Float:x, Float:x, Float:z, Float:speed); // If BCF runs at high speed, The Freight train can be Derailed
OnFreightBoxCarDerailed(Float:x, Float:x, Float:z, Float:speed); // If BCG or CG runs high speed, The Freight train can be Derailed 
OnObjectFallingIntroRailwayTrack(Float:x, Float:x, Float:z); // If BCG runs at high speed, The Freight Train can be Derailed and the Object will falling intro track
OnBogieOilTankWagonDerailed(Float:x, Float:x, Float:z Float:speed); // If BOT. runs at high speed, The Freight Train can be Derailed and Oil will be spilled
OnBogieOilTankWagonExplode(Float:effect); // If Player shoot the BOT. the BOT will be explode

Originally Posted by MpK
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It would be ideal that when the user dies while inside the vehicle, it leaves through the dead door as in singleplayer mode.

TommyB's server features something like this.

Something happens with object 3886 when it submerges


Originally Posted by MpK
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Something happens with object 3886 when it submerges

That's that then.

1- Please make it possible to watch YouTu** (and why not Twitch ?) videos or movies on all the TVs / small and big screens so we could do things like that : watch?v=uu6As8LGXLc !!!!! It should have been done long ago
2- Add some cutscene animations for Roleplay servers, like holding hands etc or/and the add of custom animations
3- Barber script for peds
4- Tattoos script for peds
5- Make possible to listen to two (or more) mp3 stream at the same time
6- Add dirt on cars (like in GTA SA singleplayer) that we can wash
7- Better NPC IA ? Like reacting to shot fired and to run away, waiting for the intersection light to be red in order to cross the road, better driving and reaction to road trafic

That would be great, especially the number 1 for Roleplay servers...


Good Stuff For An Update

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