The English Roleplay Community

Originally Posted by Dignity
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What I see is someone who lacks regards of the subject at hand - someone only eligible of listening to one side of the story and having a third party shape their opinions, rather than thinking for themselves and not getting involved in things they don't understand.
Tell me, what is your side of the story? I don't feel like they have whispered in my ear anything, what I read I didn't like when I saw it so I replied to you. Why don't you pop in to the discord and we can have a chat instead of spilling mess further through this thread. We are interested to hear what you have to say, and your friend Rick can join us, and anyone else you'd like to.

BTW I didn't create this thread to create a way for you guys to attack eachother or whatever, didn't read much of what you guys wrote though. Just chill okay? I mean, we're all just part of the ever shrinking English Roleplay community in SAMP. I get we can't all get along, but we're going to have to get used to getting along a bit allright :')

Loving dis.

Originally Posted by Calgon
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First you deny that he's staff - but he is, now he wasn't being serious? What's your next excuse for his behaviour?
Well, sure you see me as staff member on discord, but really i have no power there as staff member. Anyways i was beeing serious what are you going to do about it kid? Cry here that you ass got assaulted? Really? Are going to stand your ground for that guy?, Jeez.... And ye, i can take full credits off all screens you have posted above. That shit would have happen if that was a real "real" stick up hehe

Anyways, its just poor and silly of you to pick on me just because i failed to reply with proper english in fast going chat, where in fact you and your friend Rahasher attacked ''us'' in discord channel. Well, thats was very bully of you', which I really think was epic fail ahaha.
Anyways, i have no intentions to continue this nonsence as obviously Rahasher guy been pushing this to happen. I just stand my ground from nonsence offend!

Yep, also about Vice City rp team, they went to my discord telling me to shut down my server and join them lol. Anyway i dont mind them, i wish them the best, as Rehasher said. We're one community we should stop hating each other.

Originally Posted by Barnwell
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WW-RP is a ngg edited script right ?
Do you even know what 'WW-RP' fucking stands for? Wild West RP. Not the server you're trying to create with your NGG edits. and PM'ing me to work for you...

Originally Posted by Alex Magaсa
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I remember the server WildWestRP but unfortunately some cry kids ddosed that server just because they made a succesful server in SA:MP with professional team and legit playerbase. But now rip it dissapeared at all and neither came back.
Stop making stories yourself to get attention, Alex. I was there in the Wild West RP's Discord even after the closure and 90% of its players were there.
Originally Posted by Dignity
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This didn’t happen. WW-RP never got ddosed.
Originally Posted by Rehasher
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You guys are so dramatic lol, relax. We're all one big community
Yeah yeah, Who was the guy who banned me from the SA-MP's UNOFFICAL BIASED DISCORD when U-RP got your forums down. Just because you got a Beta Tester at your d*ck doesn't means you can do whatever you want to do. Grow up kid.

And Calgon, don't comment when you don't know about something properly.

Originally Posted by Logic_
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Yeah yeah, Who was the guy who banned me from the SA-MP's UNOFFICAL BIASED DISCORD when U-RP got your forums down. Just because you got a Beta Tester at your d*ck doesn't means you can do whatever you want to do. Grow up kid.
That's Rehasher, there's nothing much you can do about it.

Well that was an entertaining 7 pages of comments to read. Please, continue while I go grab some popcorn.

Oh dear the accusations without proof.

Originally Posted by thekillergreece
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Oh dear the accusations without proof.
Yes sad you missed how Rehasher raged on U-RP discord when his forums got hacked.

Originally Posted by Rehasher
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IP for BA:RP buddy?

Originally Posted by Calgon
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This VCRP community seems like the perfect place for new players, with members of staff saying they want to beat people up who join their Discord.

damn this guy is a total no lifer, making account on rehaser's discord just to find something bad there to say it here.

chill dude, this is a gaming forum stop with your bullshit already, we've already seen enough of it

Originally Posted by Barnwell
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WW-RP is a ngg edited script right ?

lol what iFrame? never ever joined anything related those people. ahahaha this is just complete.

Seen comments about BA-RP using LS-RPs fame to grow, but LS-RP grew out of the original Godfather server. As long as players are playing, does it really matter where they've come from?

From what I can tell about Wild West, it was incredibly well made but it's one of those servers that's only going to appeal to a specific amount of people in the long-term, like any role-play server with a 'gimmick'. The casual roleplayer will just stick with what they know which is Los Santos. Bay Area might be an exception but only because of sheer numbers, it's an uphill battle putting your roleplay server in San Fierro.

As for the English Roleplaying Community, just comes down to the fact that there are probably less and less english speaking players playing SA:MP than before. I'm sure that most countries where English is a first language have on average, better computer setups and can play newer games. You've got eastern european players running Windows 95 and North Africans playing SA:MP on their microwaves. SA:MP is as good as it's gunna get.

A lot of the old popular english speaking roleplay servers like Project Reality, Valhalla and NG have all closed for one reason or another so if you are half serious about roleplay and you speak english, then there's only 2-3 real options which is kinda sad. It's hard to sustain a new server long term, no matter how good the script or the idea is.


Originally Posted by Rocket16
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Seen comments about BA-RP using LS-RPs fame to grow, but LS-RP grew out of the original Godfather server. As long as players are playing, does it really matter where they've come from?

From what I can tell about Wild West, it was incredibly well made but it's one of those servers that's only going to appeal to a specific amount of people in the long-term, like any role-play server with a 'gimmick'. The casual roleplayer will just stick with what they know which is Los Santos. Bay Area might be an exception but only because of sheer numbers, it's an uphill battle putting your roleplay server in San Fierro.

As for the English Roleplaying Community, just comes down to the fact that there are probably less and less english speaking players playing SA:MP than before. I'm sure that most countries where English is a first language have on average, better computer setups and can play newer games. You've got eastern european players running Windows 95 and North Africans playing SA:MP on their microwaves. SA:MP is as good as it's gunna get.

A lot of the old popular english speaking roleplay servers like Project Reality, Valhalla and NG have all closed for one reason or another so if you are half serious about roleplay and you speak english, then there's only 2-3 real options which is kinda sad. It's hard to sustain a new server long term, no matter how good the script or the idea is.
"Fighting an uphill battle," nice one, iconic for San Fierro, "up hill"

I'm sure I'm going to get a whole bunch of angry BARP members up my ass about this but I think BARP is just a hype, none of them have been able to consistently play the server from what I understand. So sooner or later they might find their reason one or another why they don't like SF and drop the hype. Much like with WW even though that was a larger scale of course because there was more of a difference than with the average RP server.

Thanks for the reply, this is one of those comments I was actually looking for. Sad that you basically voiced what I said though, there only being a handful of servers that actually have players.

Originally Posted by R4nd4ll
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The english rp community disappeared because of the retarded pinoys & pakis server owners (No offence for the ones that have a brain (if any) )

Edit : Prove me wrong if you can.
Edit 2: I am sure that logic is gonna start shitting because of how i have talked about the pakis
Of course that's what you think when you only play "paki" servers. You join one of those communities knowingly that there's a majority of people on there that aren't from the US, UK or European country and then complain about it?

Former Ultimate (Aka Limitless) RP Head Admin
Better yet at least they're playing, that's better than nothing isn't it? Most speaking at least some English... I respect that. What I don't like is when those people speak their native language though, it's really annoying. I don't speak my native language on SAMP either :/

Edit: P.S. I've found a sizable amount of retards that are from the US, or European country as well, if that's what you're trying to insinuate... I think it's honestly just as bad. People from "non western" countries seem just as retarded as from "western" countries on average. I've noticed that on some NGG edit servers... "Western" people are just as (if not more) toxic. Just as a VERY small amount of people either side be it western or not that are actually intelligible.

Originally Posted by Kaperstone
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It must be quite a work to quote 3 same posts, clearing text in 2 and highligting a word in 2 just to pull your bullshit "lolwat". I bet you have a lot of free time.. but you are spending it wrong doing all this triple quoting people to pull up your bullshit and all.. good luck with doing that

Originally Posted by iFrame
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It must be quite a work to quote 3 same posts, clearing text in 2 and highligting a word in 2 just to pull your bullshit "lolwat". I bet you have a lot of free time.. but you are spending it wrong doing all this triple quoting people to pull up your bullshit and all.. good luck with doing that
This is not a gaming forum, But a development one :\

There's lots of servers around. I'll agree most are dead all the time but you do find the odd one.

What's wrong with using discord for voice chat? Samp servers should be pretty much fully text based anyhow

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