Suggestions for 0.3.8

My suggestion is the ability to add server-side sounds that can be pre-loaded in the server, useful for fast sounds instead of playing them from a remote url
More suggestions:
- Ability to retry server password in-game, annoying when you type the wrong server password and you have to relaunch the game to go back.

- Ability to store the models on a remote server, so there's less stress on your server for downloading the files.

- Client to show the size of the servers custom models here (useful to know how much you're going to download before playing the server):

- Cache files to be stored differently rather than the plain DFF, people plan on making exclusive mods for their server and it's simple to steal.

- Not sure how possible it would be, but update mods live in the server instead of hard restart.

- Allow or fix pickups for custom objects

Check a return value of public OnVehicleDeath, for check spawn-vehicle hack.
1 - allow car spawn
0 - disallow car spawn

Thanks for your suggestion! I also remembered something that I always wanted and this is the perfect moment for it too: The ability to add new server sided map icons!! I always felt like the default map icons are way too limited! We could add lots of useful map icons! For example, color variations of the existing map icons or entirely new map icons.
an option here to see the size of the servers custom models would be nice, to know how much you need to download before connecting

Thanks for opening this topic!

Beside what IstuntmanI said about adding more map icons and what Rehasher said about adding sounds my suggestions are:

Adding new .txd files for textdraws and other possibilities!

Adding custom 3D icons (images) - textdraws in 3D space, for example adding icons something like "paused" player icon when player is AFK or something:

So these icons/3d-textdraws/images can be attached to players (adjust height like labels), could be attached to vehicles, and could be attached to open world space (x, y, z).

Also a nice add-on would be hiding/disabling parts of hud and changing it colors/position like plugin SA-MP+ had! (colored checkpoints, different style dialogs, different hud - editable hud, hideable hud and many more).

- being able to check if a player is currently writing a message in the chatbox (even displaying it with an icon like the afk one)

I previously suggested a SetGarageOpen function. IDK if it is of any help but here is a full list of garages that I have gathered. Note that "SPRLAE" is used twice, so if this function was to be added it'd probably require each garage to be assigned a unique ID. I hope that doesn't lessen the chances of this becoming a reality.

AMUMIS - Used in mission "Puncture Wounds"
BEACSV - Santa Maria Beach safe house
BLOB1 - Redsands East Pay n Spray
BLOB2 - Las Venturas bomb shop
BLOB6 - Redsands West safe house
BLOB69 - Prickle Pine safe house
BLOB7 - Whitewood Estates safe house
BODLAWN - Los Santos Transfender
BRGSFSE - San Fierro burglary garage
BURBDO2 - Dillimore safe house
BURBDOO - Palomino Creek safe house
BURG_LK - Los Santos burglary garage
CARLAS1 - El Corona safe house
CESAFE1 - Mulholland safe house
CESPRAY - Dillimore Pay n Spray
CJSAFE - Ganton safe house
CN2GAR1 - Fort Carson safe house
CN2GAR2 - Verdant Meadows safe house
CN2SPRY - Fort Carson Pay n Spray
CNSPRAY - El Quebrados Pay n Spray
DHANGAR - Verdant Meadows hangar
DUF_LAS - Used in mission "Los Desperados"
FDORSFE - Wuzi's garage
GHOSTDR - Used in mission "Interdiction"
HBGDSFS - Doherty garage #1 left
IMP_LA - Los Santos impound lot
IMP_SF - San Fierro impound lot
IMP_LV - Las Venturas impound lot
LASBOMB - Los Santos bomb shop
LCKSFSE - Doherty garage #2 right
MDS1SFS - Wheels Arch Angels
MDSSFSE - San Fierro Transfender
MICHDR - Michelle's garage
MODGLAS - Cesar's garage
MUL_LAN - Used in mission "Life's A Beach"
MODLAST - Loco Low Co
SAV1SFE - Calton Heights safe house
SAV1SFW - Paradiso safe house
SPRLAE - Idlewood Pay n Spray
SPRLAE - Temple Pay n Spray
SPLAW2 - Verona Beach Pay n Spray
SPRSFSE - Downtown Pay n Spray
SPRSFW - Juniper Hollow Pay n Spray
SVGSFS1 - Hashbury safe house
TBON - Used in mission "T-Bone Mendez"
TIMY1 - Unused Pay n Spray in Royal Casino
VECMOD - Las Venturas Transfender
VESVGRG - Rockshore West safe house
VGELOCK - Las Venturas burglary garage
VGSHNGR - AT-400 hangar

- The ability to replace/add vehicle models and textures.
- Server side vehicle handling and weapons.

Fulfill these two and SAMP will be set for life.

Originally Posted by Chaser98
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- The ability to replace/add vehicle models and textures.
- Server side vehicle handling and weapons.

Fulfill these two and SAMP will be set for life.

Idea for weapons, if original weapon textures could be invisible (player holding a gun that you can't see what) and if the script could attach new custom model from this new update ( 0.3.8 ) than we could add a lot of more unique weapons.

(+ these suggestions for removing hud and editing elements of hud, + these adding new sounds so that these new weapons could have unique sounds). I think it would be really unbelieveable!


Suggestion for removing some of game-pause elements (for example remove "STATS" button, remove "START NEW GAME" button and other that are no useful at all!)

If my garage suggestion is not possible, or is too much to do, please close bomb shops. They aren't synced, and aren't likely to ever be synced, and they cause problems with vehicle sync. Blocking them with objects isn't really ideal.

PHP код:
native OnPlayerConnectWithFolder(playeridFolderFile); 
Playerid - self-explanatory.
Folder - If the folder you stated exists in the player's gta directory, you can do anything. Let's say he connected with a folder named mod_sa in his gta sa directory, you can simply kick him or do anything you want.
File - Let's say you want to check if the player has a folder named CLEO and a file named Troll.cs inside it, you should be able to kick the player or do anything just like the folder shit.

Any thoughts?

Movable dialogs by toggling, a DIALOG_STYLE_POPUP_BOX with a hidden caption and buttons as well as setting custom position on screen and maybe rounded corners for a better look.

ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, dialogid, DIALOG_STYLE_POPUP_BOX, "", x, y, z, time, "You are connected to the server", "", "");
Where time is in seconds to hide the popup box or any other dialog, later on.

I think we shouldn't forget main list from this topic:

Originally Posted by Cypress
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Movable dialogs by toggling, a DIALOG_STYLE_POPUP_BOX with a hidden caption and buttons as well as setting custom position on screen and maybe rounded corners for a better look.

ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, dialogid, DIALOG_STYLE_POPUP_BOX, "", x, y, z, time, "You are connected to the server", "", "");
Where time is in seconds to hide the popup box or any other dialog, later on.
Thumbs up for this idea.

I think developer could also add CEF,it will changes SA-MP a lot.

Fix the crashs lol

Originally Posted by Cypress
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Movable dialogs by toggling, a DIALOG_STYLE_POPUP_BOX with a hidden caption and buttons as well as setting custom position on screen and maybe rounded corners for a better look.

ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, dialogid, DIALOG_STYLE_POPUP_BOX, "", x, y, z, time, "You are connected to the server", "", "");
Where time is in seconds to hide the popup box or any other dialog, later on.
Sounds like something achievable with textdraws. (except the "move dialog" part)

- CULLZONE manipulation.
- Per Player Pickups.
- Resolution getting.
- GetPlayerSkillLevel(playerid, skill);
- GetPlayerSirenState(playerid);
- Float:GetPlayerZAim(playerid);
- Float:GetObjectDrawDistance(objectid);
- SetObjectMoveSpeed(objectid, Float:fSpeed);
- Float:GetObjectMoveSpeed(objectid);
- GetObjectTarget(objectid, &Float:fX, &Float:fY, &Float:fZ);
- GetObjectAttachedData(objectid, &attached_vehicleid, &attached_objectid, &attached_playerid);
- GetObjectAttachedOffset(objectid, &Float:fX, &Float:fY, &Float:fZ, &Float:fRotX, &Float:fRotY, &Float:fRotZ);
- IsObjectMaterialSlotUsed(objectid, materialindex); // Return values: 1 = material, 2 = material text
- GetObjectMaterial(objectid, materialindex, &modelid, txdname[], txdnamelen = sizeof(txdname), texturename[], texturenamelen = sizeof(texturename), &materialcoor);
- GetObjectMaterialText(objectid, materialindex, text[], textlen = sizeof(text), &materialsize, fontface[], fontfacelen = sizeof(fontface), &fontsize, &bold, &fontcolor, &backcolor, &textalignment);
- IsObjectNoCameraCol(objectid);
- GetVehicleColor(vehicleid, &color1, &color2);
- GetVehiclePaintjob(vehicleid);
- GetVehicleInterior(vehicleid);
- GetVehicleNumberPlate(vehicleid, plate[], len = sizeof(plate));
- GetPickupModel(pickupid);

GetPickupModel would save us so much data...

Would be also nice to get a new function which toggles off the object sound for a player. [DisableObjectSound]
Context: Say you retextured a metallic door to a wooden one, or vice versa - when you step over it or shoot it, it will respond with its appropriate sound, which in that specific context it will sound ugly and confusing. It would be great to be able to disable object sounds as it would make mapping and object customizations better.

OnPlayerEnterMenu (ESC) - AFK
We need perfect one like this!

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