Problem with compile

I press F5 compile start just for couple second then stop i can move pawno compailer tab normaly but dont wont to show me error or somthing likde that.And .amx file size is 0KB help me.My mode have 97k line this is frist time something like this happend me

The compiler can crash for various of reasons, the most common is missing barracks. Try downloading such tool and see how many opening brackets there is and closing brackets.

No missing barracks frist thing i think it was

Braces, or brackets.

This is why you have a version history so you can roll back to a previous one, and check what you changed in the meantime.

Braces, or brackets.
if you scirpt have many lines like or 1000+ 2000+ , it will take sometime to compile.
Leave it till compiles.

or check the last thing you did in the script and check whether is it coded correctly.

comment your code part by part and compile find the part causing crash and continue commenting the part causing crash and find the actual portion causing crash.

I actually said Braces or Brackets to highlight that they're not Barracks.

As was said in this thread, the easiest way is to just use source control/revision control.

That way, you can easily check between versions what happened.
Like check between HEAD and HEAD^.

please help me out to when I click compile button the dialog box open and nothing in this box and not .amx file generate

Originally Posted by alpha0
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please help me out to when I click compile button the dialog box open and nothing in this box and not .amx file generate
How long did you wait?

And I think it is better to make your own thread for your own issue.

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