[Map] Armor Shooting Practice [Textured]

This Is My First Map
Hope You Like A Small Bit
I Not Think That This Is Good But First Time I Created
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//Map Has Been Created By: SilverScripter
// Armor Shooting Practise
new tmpobjid;
tmpobjid = CreateDynamicObject(19353, 45.461174, 2443.418701, 17.144382, 0.000000, 0.000000, 3.599999, -1, -1, -1, 300.00, 300.00);
SetDynamicObjectMaterial(tmpobjid, 0, 16644, "a51_detailstuff", "a51_radardisp", 0x00000000);
SetDynamicObjectMaterial(tmpobjid, 1, 16646, "a51_alpha", "a51_sign1", 0x00000000);
SetDynamicObjectMaterial(tmpobjid, 2, 14650, "ab_trukstpc", "mp_CJ_WOOD5", 0x00000000);
SetDynamicObjectMaterial(tmpobjid, 3, 10101, "2notherbuildsfe", "sl_vicwall02", 0x00000000);
SetDynamicObjectMaterial(tmpobjid, 8, 10101, "2notherbuildsfe", "sl_vicwall02", 0x00000000);
tmpobjid = CreateDynamicObject(937, 54.603385, 2444.200683, 15.966622, 0.000000, 0.000000, -85.000007, -1, -1, -1, 300.00, 300.00);
SetDynamicObjectMaterial(tmpobjid, 0, 10140, "frieghter2sfe", "sf_ship_pipes", 0x00000000);
SetDynamicObjectMaterial(tmpobjid, 1, 1859, "chips2", "chip_stck3", 0x00000000);
SetDynamicObjectMaterial(tmpobjid, 2, 14650, "ab_trukstpc", "mp_CJ_WOOD5", 0x00000000);
tmpobjid = CreateDynamicObject(355, 54.894508, 2443.593505, 16.516618, 0.000000, 0.000000, -168.099960, -1, -1, -1, 300.00, 300.00);
SetDynamicObjectMaterial(tmpobjid, 0, 14789, "ab_sfgymmain", "CBchallenge_256", 0x00000000);
SetDynamicObjectMaterial(tmpobjid, 1, 1598, "beachball", "beachball", 0x00000000);
tmpobjid = CreateDynamicObject(355, 54.653255, 2444.738037, 16.516618, 0.000000, 0.000000, -168.099960, -1, -1, -1, 300.00, 300.00);
SetDynamicObjectMaterial(tmpobjid, 0, 1598, "beachball", "beachball", 0x00000000);
SetDynamicObjectMaterial(tmpobjid, 1, 1598, "beachball", "beachball", 0x00000000);
tmpobjid = CreateDynamicObject(372, 54.674949, 2443.814208, 16.501964, -91.699935, -1.800000, 0.000000, -1, -1, -1, 300.00, 300.00);
SetDynamicObjectMaterial(tmpobjid, 0, 5406, "jeffers5a_lae", "discwa1_LAe2", 0x00000000);
tmpobjid = CreateDynamicObject(372, 54.664272, 2444.153808, 16.491886, -91.699935, -1.800000, 0.000000, -1, -1, -1, 300.00, 300.00);
SetDynamicObjectMaterial(tmpobjid, 0, 5406, "jeffers5a_lae", "discwa1_LAe2", 0x00000000);
tmpobjid = CreateDynamicObject(359, 54.988212, 2443.557128, 16.110099, -93.599990, -7.199999, 0.000000, -1, -1, -1, 300.00, 300.00);
SetDynamicObjectMaterial(tmpobjid, 0, 1575, "dyn_drugs", "drugs6", 0x00000000);
tmpobjid = CreateDynamicObject(359, 54.885433, 2444.375976, 16.158823, -93.599990, -7.199999, 0.000000, -1, -1, -1, 300.00, 300.00);
SetDynamicObjectMaterial(tmpobjid, 0, 1575, "dyn_drugs", "drugs6", 0x00000000);
tmpobjid = CreateDynamicObject(19376, 45.207771, 2441.763671, 14.936622, 0.000000, 0.000000, 94.600013, -1, -1, -1, 300.00, 300.00);
SetDynamicObjectMaterial(tmpobjid, 0, 6867, "vgnpwrmainbld", "sw_wallbrick_02", 0x00000000);
tmpobjid = CreateDynamicObject(19376, 53.671241, 2442.433349, 14.936622, 0.000000, 0.000000, 94.600013, -1, -1, -1, 300.00, 300.00);
SetDynamicObjectMaterial(tmpobjid, 0, 6867, "vgnpwrmainbld", "sw_wallbrick_02", 0x00000000);
tmpobjid = CreateDynamicObject(19376, 53.379875, 2445.678955, 14.936622, 0.000000, 0.000000, 94.600013, -1, -1, -1, 300.00, 300.00);
SetDynamicObjectMaterial(tmpobjid, 0, 6867, "vgnpwrmainbld", "sw_wallbrick_02", 0x00000000);
tmpobjid = CreateDynamicObject(19376, 45.055957, 2445.019042, 14.936622, 0.000000, 0.000000, 94.600013, -1, -1, -1, 300.00, 300.00);
SetDynamicObjectMaterial(tmpobjid, 0, 6867, "vgnpwrmainbld", "sw_wallbrick_02", 0x00000000);
tmpobjid = CreateDynamicObject(1494, 58.101222, 2445.996582, 15.476619, 0.000000, 0.000000, -83.599960, -1, -1, -1, 300.00, 300.00);
SetDynamicObjectMaterial(tmpobjid, 0, 16646, "a51_alpha", "a51_sign1", 0x00000000);
SetDynamicObjectMaterial(tmpobjid, 1, 14690, "7_11_posters", "munkyJuice_2", 0x00000000);
tmpobjid = CreateDynamicObject(1494, 58.443786, 2442.965820, 15.476619, 0.000000, 0.000000, 96.700035, -1, -1, -1, 300.00, 300.00);
SetDynamicObjectMaterial(tmpobjid, 0, 16646, "a51_alpha", "a51_sign1", 0x00000000);
SetDynamicObjectMaterial(tmpobjid, 1, 14690, "7_11_posters", "munkyJuice_2", 0x00000000);
SetDynamicObjectMaterial(tmpobjid, 10, 14650, "ab_trukstpc", "mp_CJ_WOOD5", 0x00000000);
tmpobjid = CreateDynamicObject(19466, 58.483028, 2444.006835, 19.206619, 0.000000, 0.000000, 178.100006, -1, -1, -1, 300.00, 300.00);
SetDynamicObjectMaterial(tmpobjid, 1, 16646, "a51_alpha", "a51_sign1", 0x00000000);
SetDynamicObjectMaterial(tmpobjid, 10, 14650, "ab_trukstpc", "mp_CJ_WOOD5", 0x00000000);
SetDynamicObjectMaterialText(tmpobjid, 0, "{008800}Weapon", 30, "Ariel", 20, 1, 0x00008800, 0x00000000, 0);
tmpobjid = CreateDynamicObject(19466, 58.307338, 2444.742919, 18.646619, 0.000000, 0.000000, 178.100006, -1, -1, -1, 300.00, 300.00);
SetDynamicObjectMaterial(tmpobjid, 1, 16646, "a51_alpha", "a51_sign1", 0x00000000);
SetDynamicObjectMaterial(tmpobjid, 10, 14650, "ab_trukstpc", "mp_CJ_WOOD5", 0x00000000);
SetDynamicObjectMaterialText(tmpobjid, 0, "{00FF00}Shooting", 30, "Ariel", 20, 1, 0x00008800, 0x00000000, 0);

Good work bro keep it up

Please pictures


Good work bro keep it up

thanks roman scripter


Please pictures

Link Added

Originally Posted by SilverScripter
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thanks roman scripter
Nope Silver, just keep up your works!
You rocks mate!


Nope Silver, just keep up your works!
You rocks mate!

ok man

Nice i like it!

well the location and the textures, lol

Originally Posted by N0FeaR
View Post
Nice i like it!

Originally Posted by SamiLeo
View Post
well the location and the textures, lol
I Got Bored So I Didnot Searched Any Place So I Created This Near Verdant Meadows

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