Death System like LS:RP

hello boyz, i want to make a copy of death system from LS:RP like this:

One player have a weapon(like AK-47) and he shoots after somebody, that player who is attacked if he has health under 35( health < 35) he goes to Injury System like he fell at the ground with ApplyAnimationEx(playerid, "WUZI", "CS_Dead_Guy", 4.0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0);
And one 3dtext label is created above his head like this :
format(stringdamage, sizeof(stringdamage), "(( Has been injured %d times, /damages %d for more information. ))", CountDamages(playerid), playerid);
strcat(stringdamage, stringdamage2);
PlayerInfo[playerid][pInjuriesText] = CreateDynamic3DTextLabel(stringdamage, COLOR_ERROR, x, y, z, 25.0, INVALID_PLAYER_ID, INVALID_VEHICLE_ID, 1, GetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid), GetPlayerInterior(playerid), -1, 20.0);
Now it's okay, but if i want to shoot again in him, i don't want to take damage from the player is on the ground, like if i shoot with AK-47 10-20 bullets, he doesn't take damage and he goes to Death System and a 3DTextLabel is now "(( THE PLAYER IS DEAD )) ".

How could I make the player is on the ground to not taking damage in the injury system?
Thank you a lot boys, i make on OnThePlayerTakeDamage this:

if(GetPVarInt(playerid, "Dead") == 6)
     SetPlayerHealth(playerid, health+25);
     GetPlayerPos(playerid, x, y, z);
     PlayerInfo[playerid][pInjuriesText] = CreateDynamic3DTextLabel("(( THIS PLAYER IS DEAD ))", COLOR_ERROR, x, y, z, 25.0, INVALID_PLAYER_ID, INVALID_VEHICLE_ID, 1, GetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid), GetPlayerInterior(playerid), -1, 20.0);

I think you should use:
And simply return 0 at OnPlayerDamage

it doesn't work, i want just on my gamemode, not to include. I have more if-s in OnPlayerTakeDamage

I did something exactly like this without using weapon-config as well, without desyncing bullets or using laggy functions (best part is damage is still added to damage list even in death mode accurately). Excuse the poor video quality:

What's the key to doing this? I'm not going to completely give it away but you can use teams ( to your advantage, you just have to find a good way to use them.

Yea but where i can put this? And then how can i escape from this SetPlayerTeam?
return 0 there if you want to stop player giving damage. Returning 0/1 in OnPlayer Give/Take Damage does not have any effect other then breaking/continuing callback chain.

But keep in mind OnPlayerWeaponShot only works for weapons with bullets.

If you are hiding player tags then i guess you can set players health to 1000 and make some kind of custom damage system.

Maybe set his hp for a very high count, Btw, It's not good to come in here and just say "I want to make this" and take ideas from other server.. This ain't cool, Start a system, then come if there are a bug or an error..

I want just to not taking damage if someone is in Injury System(under 30 hp)

Okay, Set the anim, and set his controllable to 0, and set his HP after that to 9999 or smth, ez

I don't understand why does everyone want to make a replica of it. Be original. This will help you:

On OnPlayerWeaponShot
     if(GetPVarInt(playerid, "Dead") == 6)
	SetPlayerTeam(playerid, hitid);
It\'s that ok?

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