04.04.2017, 21:35
Last edited by XpDeviL; 06/11/2017 at 12:31 PM.

This is my second vehicle ownership system. First one had a lot of bugs and not so useful. So i made it again from the bottom. And this one is much better

I translated the script from Turkish, which is the original language. So there could be translation mistakes. Sorry about that

* Buying a Vehicle
To buy a vehicle, just get into a sale vehicle and select ‘Buy’ on the dialog that will be appeared. If you have enough money you can buy it.
You can buy more than one vehicle. You can define the limit at the top of the script.
To see and manage your vehicles, just use /v command.

* Parking
You can park your vehicle by typing /park. When you use that command, your vehicle will be parked without respawn or anything.
* Vehicle Menu
With '/v' command, you can see your vehicles, and the vehicles that you have their keys. After you choose the vehicle, you can manage it with these options.

* Where Is My Car?
When you lost your vehicle, you can find it with this option. It will mark your vehicle on the map.
* Put The Vehicle In Garage and Take Out
By putting your car in garage, you can make your car visually disappear, and you can take out your car whenever you want.

* Quick Park
With the Quick Parking feature, your vehicle will be automatically parked everytime when you get off the car.
But it won't park your vehicle if your vehicle upside down or black smoke coming out of your vehicle.

* Giving Your Vehicle's Key To Someone Else
You can use someone else's vehicle, if you have it's keys.
You can see the vehicles and vehicle menu that you have their keys, by typing /v and choosing the car on the list. But some features are only for the vehicle owner. Key owners can't use that features.
* Sell Vehicle To Someone Else
You can sell your vehicle to someone else or the car dealer. Just choose the Sell Vehicle option in the vehicle menu
* Viewing Vehicle Info
You can also see the vehicle information of the choosen vehicle.

* Admin Menu
You can manage all vehicles by accessing the admin panel by typing /amenu (you should RCON login first). Choose the vehicle and there you go.

Detailed introduction is on the video. (I recorded the video with the Turkish version. But I added subtitles in English)
I used MySQL R41 for saving. MySQL tables will be automatically created. Just enter your MySQL credentials.