30.01.2017, 13:51
Hello guys, so i was wanted to show playerID in his/her name when he type anything,, like
Ryder[0]: HI i am ryder!
and scripted it and compiled without any error or warnings but it gives me that:

it spam the name 2 times, once with the id and once without the id.
here's the code:
Ryder[0]: HI i am ryder!
and scripted it and compiled without any error or warnings but it gives me that:

it spam the name 2 times, once with the id and once without the id.
here's the code:
PHP код:
public OnPlayerText(playerid, text[])
new gangstring[128];
format(gangstring, sizeof(gangstring), "[%d] %s",playerid, text);
SendPlayerMessageToAll(playerid, gangstring);
return 1;