Just a question...

Hello samp forums users, i have a little question today, i have 15 reputations but when i try to make server adv post in the adving section. i get a message which says i don't have the permission to post there.
Can you help me? i heard to make a server adv post i must have 15 reputations

You need 100 rep to post an Adverisement.

........ lol thanks.
i tought i need 15 reps
wait there is someone posted an adv and he have 61 Reps..

In fact just looked here: https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.php?tid=464581

I'm possibly wrong, just read through the criterial. If you meet it all it should be as simple as pressing "New Topic"

Okay i have 235 Posts , and registered since Feb 2016
and i have 15 Reps. So where is the problem?

Just give it some time you can post advertisement.

okay ty.

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