[FilterScript] Cam Movement Editor

Hey guys am very sorry for bumping this but i really need this problem is i download it fine and everything when am ingame the instructions come up when am in the cam movement i cant move up/down or do what ever i want code someone help?

I'm having an issue with the filterscript.
This shows up whenever i try to use /cameditor.
Someone knows how to fix it?

I rebooted my PC and now it's working.
The problem was in FlyMode.

Originally Posted by Ermanhaut
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I'm having an issue with the filterscript.
This shows up whenever i try to use /cameditor.
Someone knows how to fix it?
Are you using a bare script with it, or are you running it with your gamemode and filterscripts?

Originally Posted by Sew_Sumi
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Are you using a bare script with it, or are you running it with your gamemode and filterscripts?
Im using bare script.

Great to see this cameras thread.

very bad 0/10

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