02.01.2017, 17:02
Hey, I am facing a problem happens sometime to every player (not at same times) that there PC freezes, happens only while selecting class. They can't do anything can't select class, can't be spawned, can't type a comand. Players can only use cursor but then again they can only move it. Players can see the server timers moving fine chatbox keeps on moving. For that they have to logoff the PC/restart it.
The server is missions type, so this means it restarts after every mission to change mode. Happens randomly on almost all missions no set pattern or anything that we can note.
I am using crashdetect with -d3 flag.
Here's a screenshot of how this looks.
OnPlayerRequestClass for that script
The server is missions type, so this means it restarts after every mission to change mode. Happens randomly on almost all missions no set pattern or anything that we can note.
I am using crashdetect with -d3 flag.
Here's a screenshot of how this looks.
OnPlayerRequestClass for that script
public OnPlayerRequestClass(playerid, classid) { SetPlayerPos(playerid,533.9351,-1338.4342,34.9412); SetPlayerFacingAngle(playerid,283.0057); SetPlayerCameraPos(playerid,537.182617 , -1338.024536 , 36.544498); SetPlayerCameraLookAt(playerid,533.9351,-1338.4342,34.9412); CallRemoteFunction("textdraw_ShowClassSelection","ddsddd",playerid, randA,"Racer", PedInfo[classid][Weapon1], PedInfo[classid][Weapon2], PedInfo[classid][Weapon3]); SetPlayerColor(playerid,COLOR_SERVER); pInfo[playerid][rClassID]=classid; return 1; } //textdraw_ShowClassSelection FUNCTION textdraw_ShowClassSelection(playerid, teamid,team_name[], w1, w2, w3) { PlayerTextDrawHide(playerid,PlayerClassSelection[0]); if(w1 != 0 || w2 != 0 || w3 != 0) { new string[125]; new weapons[3][35]; if(!w1) weapons[0] = "---"; else GetWeaponName(w1, weapons[0], 30); if(!w2) weapons[1] = "---"; else GetWeaponName(w2, weapons[1], 30); if(!w3) weapons[2] = "---"; else GetWeaponName(w3, weapons[2], 30); format(string, sizeof(string), "%s~n~%s~n~%s", weapons[0], weapons[1], weapons[2]); PlayerTextDrawSetString(playerid,PlayerClassSelection[1], string); TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid,ClassSelection); PlayerTextDrawShow(playerid,PlayerClassSelection[1]); } switch(teamid) { case 0: PlayerTextDrawColor(playerid, PlayerClassSelection[0], COLOR_TEAM_DEFEND); case 1: PlayerTextDrawColor(playerid, PlayerClassSelection[0], COLOR_TEAM_ATTACK); case 2: PlayerTextDrawColor(playerid, PlayerClassSelection[0], COLOR_SERVER); } PlayerTextDrawSetString(playerid,PlayerClassSelection[0],team_name); PlayerTextDrawShow(playerid,PlayerClassSelection[0]); return 1; } //FUNCTION #define FUNCTION%1(%2) forward public %1(%2); public %1(%2)