[GameMode] Unfinished gamemode I made as a teen


once in the past, being an avid SAMP player and programmer, I've asked myself: "Why not create my very own gamemode?" I've had most of the necessary programming skills and experience, so I began.

Long story short, there came a point in time when life was changing and SAMP was losing old players and its overall appeal, and I stopped making this GM, there was no reason to continue. Now, 5 or so years later, I'm back to release everything I've put so much effort into. At that time my scripts and this gamemode were like the most precious gems to me, because they were my very own, I never copied anything, being the perfectionist that I am. Since I stopped playing however, there was no longer a reason to keep it for myself, and today is the day I've made the decision.

About this gamemode: It still has a lot of bugs that need working on, but these are usually minor and I think I've done a good job making the essentials of a good gamemode. My programming style was always a bit messy, for which I apologize to anyone trying to decipher it. Unfortunately it's in Slovak language, so you'll have to figure out what all the functions mean, although ****** translator can be a decent help if you're clueless.

It also has a great degree of complexity, since I'm a perfectionist. If you don't believe me, just look at the registration system.

It includes:

A great registration system
Virtual Dating System (I was the first one to make such a thing, although it's buggy and overly complex)
Mustang Map Editor (The only editor EVER in which you can create AND SAVE moving objects. Makes for an exciting map-making) - I've released it as a separate filterscript for you to enjoy: Mustang Object Editor
Many random and fun functions which you can explore if you're willing to go through the whole script

I would love to tell you more, but since it's been a long time I myself don't exactly remember many details. Plus I have no time or motivation to go through it and provide you all the information. I'm not sure whether this would work with the new SAMP (I'm sure things have changed a lot), but again, you're free to modify it in any way.

For this gamemode to work, you need the Main.inc, which is located here: Main Include

Here is the link to the PWN: Gamemode.pwn

I apologize again for the style and complexity, ONLY FOR THE VERY EXPERIENCED! But I'm sure you'll find at least something valuable in there. I know my coding style is shit, you don't have to tell me.

You call yourself a programmer, yet you've not indented your code at all? I'm sorry, but this wouldn't be classified as 'messy'. It's ugly and indicates that the creator was not a very good programmer.

First of all, I never called myself a "program", but a programmer. It does not indicate anything about my programming skills as you completely falsely assume. It was just my style for some reason, period. In the end, functionality is important, not the style. Again, I never thought I would share this code with the public anyway.

If you don't like it, it's okay, but please spare us of those false assumptions. It's not nice of you. Thanks.

@Infinity, here is some ice bro, you just got burned.

*claps to ¤Adas¤*

@Infinity Check the intendation in my Ingame NPC maker, it was a fairly successful release back in the days

Ugly code is not necessarily a bad code
It's as if you said black people are less capable just because they're different

Kurence maybe provide a fixed version of your shit, your links are down & a guy posted a bugged mirror.

Oops, made a small mistake there. Fixed my previous post.

At the comment about it being a programming style: The only style it could be classified is as "lack of programmigng style". Indentation is a very important aspect of programming, which is why I label code that lacks indentation completely as "bad", and programmers who chose to ignore indentation as "bad programmers". I actually work in the industry, which is why I completely disagree with the comment about "style not being important", and even more so when you release a script as a resource for others to learn from. Code that is not indented is difficult to read, to comprehend, to maintain etc.

]Kurence[: That comment about black people is as wrong as it is inappropriate. A more fitting comparison would be a badly manufactured table, where edges stick out, it's crooked etc.. It still has the functionality of a table (you can place it in a room and put stuff on it), but the quality of the overal object is not good. An even more fitting one would be to write an essay and then remove all the new-lines, all the empty lines, all the capital letters and punctuation. Basically, remove all the formatting. The text still contains everything of the original, but it has become completely unreadable and potentially useless to people who want to do more to it than copy-and-paste it.

I agree that it has several disadvantages, but again, that's what I've created at the time. I didn't care about the form although it is important. I've posted it here so anyone can use any part of it if they will. Indenting it would take A LOT of my time which I'm not willing to sacrifice for it.

Hope you understand a bit better now.

Originally Posted by ¤Adas¤
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Indenting it would take A LOT of my time which I'm not willing to sacrifice for it.

Auto-indent took 5 seconds for both, not perfect but pastebin ruins the indentation anyway.

The only problem is that you had an item in enumerator called "EditObject" but a native function with that name was added so I've renamed it to be able to compile (and avoid invalid function calling errors).

About the include I can see it was written years ago because with the new functions we have right now, almost all of them can be improved.

Originally Posted by Konstantinos
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The only problem is that you had an item in enumerator called "EditObject" but a native function with that name was added so I've renamed it to be able to compile (and avoid invalid function calling errors).

About the include I can see it was written years ago because with the new functions we have right now, almost all of them can be improved.
Thanks for the feedback. I'm quite sure I've encountered this EditObject conflict before and repaired it, perhaps this isn't the most final version of the gamemode, or I don't know what went wrong.

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