27.11.2016, 16:29
Here we go, guys! The first EVER map editor with the ability to save moving objects is finally being released. Approximately 5 or 6 years after it's been created and kept hidden from the public eye, lol.
To keep it short, it's in Slovak language so you'll have to use translator to figure out how to use these functions, but the good news is that using this editor is overall quite simple. It's basically like an ordinary map editor - creating objects, rotating them and changing their position. The unique thing is you can make them move - you set the starting position (where the object is), then you move it to the end position and use the function to set it as the end position. Then you can make it move from the start to the end once or repetitively forever. Repetitive object movements can be saved into the map.
Since I'm neither a player, nor a programmer now, in a completely different place in life, I don't have the time or motivation to give you the exact commands and functions of this editor, you'll have to figure it out on your own - FOR THE EXPERIENCED ONLY. But I'm pretty sure someone will come up with a translated version of this and provides more details for the average player. Unfortunately it won't be me because just sharing this finally with the public is a move that needed great motivation and determination. But at least sharing everything I've worked on so hard is a pleasure for me. Keeping it for myself forever would result in the script being forgotten forever.
How does it work: Pretty much already explained above, not difficult if you figure out the functions. Map saving and all should be pretty much without bugs, I can recall it worked very well most of the time. It is not entirely fool-proof, you have to be careful which map you're saving. You don't want to overwrite an already existing map that you wanted to keep. Default filename is "Custom.map", so if you're saving a map and don't include a new name, it is saved in that name. The same goes for loading maps. It's also recommended that only one person at a time is editing the map (and they have to know very well what they're doing).
What you need: Main.inc with all the functions, you can find it here: Main Include
Mustang PWN: Mustang.pwn
Don't complain about my programming style, I know the reality of it (it's messy), but it's what I have. It's the way it is and it's all up to you guys to deal with it. Good luck and salutes to anyone who gets to understand how this works and explains to the average user. Definitely not as complex as my gamemode, but it still requires that you look at it and understand each function.
Best of luck, and have fun!
To keep it short, it's in Slovak language so you'll have to use translator to figure out how to use these functions, but the good news is that using this editor is overall quite simple. It's basically like an ordinary map editor - creating objects, rotating them and changing their position. The unique thing is you can make them move - you set the starting position (where the object is), then you move it to the end position and use the function to set it as the end position. Then you can make it move from the start to the end once or repetitively forever. Repetitive object movements can be saved into the map.
Since I'm neither a player, nor a programmer now, in a completely different place in life, I don't have the time or motivation to give you the exact commands and functions of this editor, you'll have to figure it out on your own - FOR THE EXPERIENCED ONLY. But I'm pretty sure someone will come up with a translated version of this and provides more details for the average player. Unfortunately it won't be me because just sharing this finally with the public is a move that needed great motivation and determination. But at least sharing everything I've worked on so hard is a pleasure for me. Keeping it for myself forever would result in the script being forgotten forever.
How does it work: Pretty much already explained above, not difficult if you figure out the functions. Map saving and all should be pretty much without bugs, I can recall it worked very well most of the time. It is not entirely fool-proof, you have to be careful which map you're saving. You don't want to overwrite an already existing map that you wanted to keep. Default filename is "Custom.map", so if you're saving a map and don't include a new name, it is saved in that name. The same goes for loading maps. It's also recommended that only one person at a time is editing the map (and they have to know very well what they're doing).
What you need: Main.inc with all the functions, you can find it here: Main Include
Mustang PWN: Mustang.pwn
Don't complain about my programming style, I know the reality of it (it's messy), but it's what I have. It's the way it is and it's all up to you guys to deal with it. Good luck and salutes to anyone who gets to understand how this works and explains to the average user. Definitely not as complex as my gamemode, but it still requires that you look at it and understand each function.
Best of luck, and have fun!