Help with vehicle start command

I wanted the command to work only with the owner of the vehicle


CMD:engine(playerid, params[])
new vehicleid = GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid);

if (!IsEngineVehicle(vehicleid))
return SendErrorMessage(playerid, "You are not in any vehicle.");

if (GetPlayerState(playerid) != PLAYER_STATE_DRIVER)
return SendErrorMessage(playerid, "You can't do this as you're not the driver.");

if (CoreVehicles[vehicleid][vehFuel] < 1)
return SendErrorMessage(playerid, "The fuel tank is empty.");

if (ReturnVehicleHealth(vehicleid) <= 300)
return SendErrorMessage(playerid, "This vehicle is totalled and can't be started.");

switch (GetEngineStatus(vehicleid))
case false:
SetEngineStatus(vehicleid, true);
ShowPlayerFooter(playerid, "You have ~g~started~w~ the engine!");
SendNearbyMessage(playerid, 30.0, COLOR_PURPLE, "** %s inserts the key into the ignition and starts the engine.", ReturnName(playerid, 0));
case true:
SetEngineStatus(vehicleid, false);
ShowPlayerFooter(playerid, "You have ~r~stopped~w~ the engine!");
SendNearbyMessage(playerid, 30.0, COLOR_PURPLE, "** %s inserts the key into the ignition and stops the engine.", ReturnName(playerid, 0));
return 1;

wrong section ...
We don't know how your script works, we aren't wizards, hire a scripter but don't ask us to script for you

It's obviously SCRP. There is a Car_IsOwner function, use it.

Originally Posted by GoldenLion
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It's obviously SCRP. There is a Car_IsOwner function, use it.
I am a 100% sure he still doesn't know how to do it , which is why i posted my recent reply

I have tried several ways to do this, I did not create the topic before searching, if you do not want to help, there is no problem, my friend.

Sorry, but there is a difference between asking for help and asking someone else to work for you.
If you want to be a scripter, learn it or hire a scripter.
Your 'problem' just shows your lack of interest or even the lack of the ability to understand your own script.

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