[MUST HELP].amx .amx failed to load

So i wanna load a map editor but i am getting an error, i have mapedit folder in fs directory and mapedit.amx also but whenever i try to load it, it gives error load failed/filterscripts/mapedit.amx .amx, IDK Why this happening else everything is good, i also have every plugin and this line in server.cfg, also every other fs is loaded only this one isn't

any help will be really apperciated


There shouldn't be any folder in gamemode or filterscripts folder. The files should be in these directory and not in the sub-directory.

If it's showing .amx twice "mapedit.amx .amx," then it sounds like that you have extensions(.txt, .pwn, .doc) disabled on your computer and you put .amx after it.

That, or your server.cfg looks like:
PHP код:
filterscripts mapedit.amx 
when it should look like:
PHP код:
filterscripts mapedit 
Because if I loaded a filterscript with '.amx' on the end in server.cfg, this is the result I get:
PHP код:
Loading filterscript 'mapedit.amx.amx'...
Unable to load filterscript 'mapedit.amx.amx'.
Loaded 0 filterscripts

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