I am about to re-open my sa:mp server

Do you think worth it?People still looking for sa:mp servers like in old daysI missed it....

Most of us have no idea about your server, so asking that question here is useless, unless you want to advertise (which is not allowed).
Just reopen the damn thing and find out for yourself.

dont bother, nobody cares about new servers nowadays

Originally Posted by Satori_Komeiji
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dont bother, nobody cares about new servers nowadays
Not to fast. i always say to myself there is 50% a Your server will not make it 50% It will you decide.

The way u just spoke means u dont care u letting fear bring u down.

Originally Posted by ISmokezU
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Not to fast. i always say to myself there is 50% a Your server will not make it 50% It will you decide.

The way u just spoke means u dont care u letting fear bring u down.
you're from august and have 30 posts

obviously you know more about servers than me

Originally Posted by Satori_Komeiji
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you're from august and have 30 posts

obviously you know more about servers than me
you don't need an account to browse sa-mp forums thus many people do not create one. your logic -__-

A server makes it if the owner has the brains.
With the right brains for it, you won't rely on answers from a public forum to decide whether you will do it or not.
It just makes me think that you need some attention.

Originally Posted by Sani
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you don't need an account to browse sa-mp forums thus many people do not create one. your logic -__-
Leave that idiot he thinks that this reputation and join date thing defines you/your knowledge

Originally Posted by HeLiOn_PrImE
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A server makes it if the owner has the brains.
With the right brains for it, you won't rely on answers from a public forum to decide whether you will do it or not.
It just makes me think that you need some attention.
Yes. also it isnt wrong to be in a team sometimes managing a server could be hard.

Originally Posted by ISmokezU
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Yes. also it isnt wrong to be in a team sometimes managing a server could be hard.
That's besides the point.
A good owner will of course have a team behind him, but he ultimately decides the fate of the server.
Asking the INTERNET on what should you do with YOUR server, doesn't inspire confidence.
If you want to do something, you do it, and you proceed how you see fit.
After that you see if you made the right decisions.

Originally Posted by HeLiOn_PrImE
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That's besides the point.
A good owner will of course have a team behind him, but he ultimately decides the fate of the server.
Asking the INTERNET on what should you do with YOUR server, doesn't inspire confidence.
If you want to do something, you do it, and you proceed how you see fit.
After that you see if you made the right decisions.
I agree & disagree.

Although i dont ask the INTERNET on how to run my server. I do ask my team.
On my server we have two owners. Myself and a friend iv known over 10 years. We together take turns scripting so il do 1 version then he'll start working on the next version to be released a month or so later. Gives us both much needed brakes and were consalt each other on important stuff. Its worked for 5 years and dont see why it wont work in the future.. 2 brains are better than 1.

And we also ask our admin team on stuff like admins. We dont use admin applications. I personly dont like making people a member of our admin team if no one trusts them. Owners submit names and admins vote and give reasons and as a result we have a great admin team.

But yeah i dont agree about asking the INTERNET about your server. Its not up to us the "INTERNET" to decide the fate of your server. SAMP isnt dead. So if you want to start your server again and have the time to do so, Do it. If it works your never regret it.. If its something you miss then just do it. Do it to pass time.
Good luck.

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