05.09.2016, 04:17
NexBank Money System
Made by Ne[X]oR
Well, I was very bored so I decided to make up a money system, I knew from the start that I am going to publish it, so I hope you'll like my work.
Well, The system contains not much features but it matches it's idea.
Advanced & Dynamic ATM System - Able to create & edit when/where ever you want to.
Tiny Anti-Money Hack - Money is stored on server-sided variables, simply can't be hacked.
Easy to understand & implement in your game mode.
Important Defines
There are 2 defines which you should check out before starting:
Why MySQL ?
Some of you may ask why bother using MySQL on Y INI and such, the answer is, it's the most comfortable / user-friendly and also the fastest saving method.
You can easily access the commands using the help commands in game.
The commands are:
All you need is BlueG's MySQL plugin and you are up, I have added the plugin to the ZIP pack anyways.
Simply drag the files to the given directories, and add
somewhere in the server.cfg
When you start the server, you should receive this message:
If you haven't, check your MySQL log.
It's a very small script so I could have tested all the commands & functions alone and easily.
No bugs tracked down and there shouldn't be any.
Download & Virus Check:

Made by Ne[X]oR
Well, I was very bored so I decided to make up a money system, I knew from the start that I am going to publish it, so I hope you'll like my work.
Well, The system contains not much features but it matches it's idea.
Advanced & Dynamic ATM System - Able to create & edit when/where ever you want to.
Tiny Anti-Money Hack - Money is stored on server-sided variables, simply can't be hacked.
Easy to understand & implement in your game mode.
Important Defines
There are 2 defines which you should check out before starting:
PHP код:
#define RESET_ON_DEATH - Choose if to reset the player's cash upon death - Default is to do so.
#define REQUIRE_POSITION - If you put 0 here, A player can access bank CMDs from wherever he wants.
If it's 1 then he must be near an ATM - Default is 1.
Some of you may ask why bother using MySQL on Y INI and such, the answer is, it's the most comfortable / user-friendly and also the fastest saving method.
You can easily access the commands using the help commands in game.
The commands are:
PHP код:
/bankhelp - Player basic commands
/abankhelp - Admin commands (Give money etc.)
/atmhelp - ATM Setup commands.
All you need is BlueG's MySQL plugin and you are up, I have added the plugin to the ZIP pack anyways.
Simply drag the files to the given directories, and add
plugins sscanf mysql
When you start the server, you should receive this message:
NexBank Filterscript has been loaded successfully.
It's a very small script so I could have tested all the commands & functions alone and easily.
No bugs tracked down and there shouldn't be any.
Download & Virus Check:

Thank you for spending your time on watching my thread, I'll be happy for any criticism.