I just wanna know what did i do wrong...??

Anyway, 2 days ago i went to Omegle...and must of the people there are strangers in which you cam-chat with...
So yea i met a girl out their she was 17 years we started talking for like an hour about video games and consoles...later on she asked me about my ******** igive to hershe showed it to me over the webcam andsent me an invitation...and i asked her about her number,i gived her mine she took it,and she sent her's, she said she should go and she will text me up later ( which she never did.. ), i don't know probebly because i'm african...
the next day i went to her FB, and i started asking if she would like to talk...ionly have seen the "seen" symbole on FB messeges...well i won't on outside and i had to walk for more then 3 km just to buy a card that will allow me 20 mins of international phone line...andi started callingfor more than 10 times...no response....and than i received a messege on FB saying " I can't talk right now i'm too much busy with school and work and my boss is upset because my phone keeps goinng off" which means was the one who did all this...She was a blond girl born in japan with Blue eyes...
Anyway i stoped for like 4 hours or so...i kept on watching Utah timeline...and than i called again...NO RESPONSE i tried again and again NO RESPONSE....Anyway i stayed of for like 4 other hours...
I went to ******** and started liking and commenting a few of her pictures...than when i tried calling her after the next 4 hours NO RESPONSE...she didn't even pick up the phone....and than i went to FB to find her Blocking me....Why ? How? I really don't know...I wanna know one little thing is all the USA girls shares the same mindset like this ? and i really really wanna know what the hell did i do wrong....people take my kindness for like i'm bad or something....I never had a girlfriend and i never knew what love is...and when i ever try to start a love story it will end like this...No matter how hard i try...I was going to threat her more than a queen...but...Any explanation please...cause i'm confused at this point. thanks for reading...

No, this is not her fault. This is your fault, so don't blame it on the girl. You are waaaayyy too clingy.

Originally Posted by Infinity
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No, this is not her fault. This is your fault, so don't blame it on the girl. You are waaaayyy too clingy.
What ? what are you saying ? I was just trying to be nice there...by making a call...

You kept calling her even after she told you to stop. No wonder she blocked you.


Originally Posted by KyleSmith
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You kept calling her even after she told you to stop. No wonder she blocked you.
But wait...is it wrong if i call someone, i personaly..i wouldn't mind if someone of the opossit sex will call me...on the contrary i'll be happy especialy if he lives in another country...i'll be happy...But why the hell people in the USA have this mind set...Especialy the girls...wha do they think they are...i was just trying to be kind, nothing else...she could at least pick up the phone..and we'll talk and than fine...why?

You need a shrink my friend, and this forum aint your personal therapy session. Good luck.

Originally Posted by Mr.Tony
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But wait...is it wrong if i call someone, i personaly..i wouldn't mind if someone of the opossit sex will call me...on the contrary i'll be happy especialy if he lives in another country...i'll be happy...But why the hell people in the USA have this mind set...Especialy the girls...wha do they think they are...i was just trying to be kind, nothing else...she could at least pick up the phone..and we'll talk and than fine...why?
Maybe she actually has a fucking life and doesn't sit on SA-MP forums posting troll threads all day long and can't pick up the fucking phone.

Blonde girl with blue eyes born in Japan living in US. Nice story lol, if it were someone else I'd give this story the benefit of the doubt, but since it's the biggest troll on the forum...

Originally Posted by jlalt
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Lol, that made my day. Well, life isn't ponies and unicorns is it?

Havent read the last 5 pages, but well

Its omegle. Dont try to find a girlfried on omegle. Its the fucking internet, why dont you try one from those "there are 235 girls in your area waiting for YOU" banners?

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