07.08.2016, 14:37
Последний раз редактировалось 1nspire; 08.08.2016 в 16:35.
Since few days now, everyone in my server keeps hearing explosion sounds all around LS, there are no actual cars exploding, it happens every few seconds wherever you are.
Anyone had that issue? How it can be fixed?
No explosions can be heard/seen out of Los Santos.
It's not the cars exploding, cause I tried removing ALL vehicles and it still happens.
Explosions can be heard/seen only while you're in a vehicle.
There are NO 'CreateExplosion' or 'CreateExplosionForPlayer' in my script.
It's not a 'PlayPlayerSound', because I see an actual explosion + explosion sound.
EDIT #2:
The issue was solved, pickups and 3DTexts were causing it.
If you set the draw distance of a pickup and a 3DText which are on the same position, the pickup will explode whenever you pass near it with a vehicle.
Anyone had that issue? How it can be fixed?
No explosions can be heard/seen out of Los Santos.
It's not the cars exploding, cause I tried removing ALL vehicles and it still happens.
Explosions can be heard/seen only while you're in a vehicle.
There are NO 'CreateExplosion' or 'CreateExplosionForPlayer' in my script.
It's not a 'PlayPlayerSound', because I see an actual explosion + explosion sound.
EDIT #2:
The issue was solved, pickups and 3DTexts were causing it.
If you set the draw distance of a pickup and a 3DText which are on the same position, the pickup will explode whenever you pass near it with a vehicle.