Banned Players Appeal

I run a stunting server and have done since 09. Was playing today and i got 3 reports come in about this player. So i went to watch him & he of course was cheating. watched this guy crash his ruslter, get out. magicly zoom up in the air then around the map then spawn at a stunt location and zoom around here, there & everywhere. So i banned him.

Well. He then decided to go onto our website and post a ban appeal. Which is fair enough.
But with everything i saw, I denied it.
Well.. then he came back with a new appeal and a video which i just could not help but laugh at. And thought. Why not share it here..

Only reason im posting this is because in all these years of me being here. never seen a appeal rant done on youtube before. so i had to share it.

How rude of you

This goes in Everything and Nothing board.

Originally Posted by SickAttack
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How rude of you

This goes in Everything and Nothing board.
I do apologise, i wasnt too sure what one it should of gone in.

"I'm not cheating on ur server I'm cheating on another one" hahaha

lmao, unban him and give him admin

"Baan" - "Ban"*
"Oonbaan" - "Unban"*
"Aadmin" - "Admin"*

It really sums up all the crap we admins get on ban appeals. In fact, 9 out of 10 appeals look like this on my server. That's why it's rather hilarious.

Originally Posted by MrGordonSmithRussia
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It really sums up all the crap we admins get on ban appeals. In fact, 9 out of 10 appeals look like this on my server. That's why it's rather hilarious.
Yet not all bans are accurate or fair, as you might have seen by now...

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