Loading Map

Guys i have a question... I made interior and when i teleport player to there map load slower and player fall down thru floor... Is there any way to improve loading map... I tought to TogglePlayerControlable when teleported and set timer to 1-2 seconds and timer would trigger TogglePlayerControlable to 1... Is that good way to improve a problem or not?


Use Streamer_UpdateEx() to load mappings before setting a position. Also use normal objects (i.e. not dynamic ones) for flooring to minimize the chances of falling down.

Originally Posted by Vince
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Use Streamer_UpdateEx() to load mappings before setting a position. Also use normal objects (i.e. not dynamic ones) for flooring to minimize the chances of falling down.
But i need dynamic because map must not be in normal world thats why i used dynamic.

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